17th I spent the day writing & preparing to leave for home tomorrow
~ Friday
18th The Legislature met this morning at the state House at 5 oclok
and adjourned till the 2nd Monday in dec 1856 after adjournment
The Governor & all the Northern Members & Judges started for home
it was a vary cold morning we rode to the severe & on to within 1 mile
of Chicken Creek & camped for the night 45 miles it was an extrem
cold night we camped on the side of the mountain in the snow many lade
down cedar boughs on the snow to make their beds but it was to cold to sleep. I arose
at 2 ock & set by a cedar fire to warm myself. It was understood that
~ Saturday
189th The company was to start at 4 oclock to go to Nephi to Breakfast some
of the waggons started out at that hour. T. BullockJ. C. Wright myself
& others started out at 4 oclock to walk thinking that our waggons would
soon be along, but they did not start till 2 hours afterwards, we walked 7 mils
and it was so exceding cold in the snow, & on &so high an altitude that we
thought we should freeze so we stoped in a patch of Greesewood & struck
a fire & staid by it 2 Hourse before the waggons came up. Several frooze
their feet & fingers. when we arived at Nephi we were thoroughly chilled
through. we got warm took dinner & rode to Pason & spent the night [with]
Brother Hancock Bishop we rode 45 miles to day Lorenzo Snow & myselfJ M.
Grant & J. C. Little & Ladies spent the night at Brother Israel Calkins He charged
us all 50 ctsper meal & 25for lodging
~ Sunday
20th It stills continued vary cold we rode to Provo took dinner th[en]
rode to the 1st settlement south of Lehi I spent the night with Brother & Sister Parsons. President Young and Kimball preached to the people in the evening
I did not attend & did not report
~ Monday
21 we started at 8 oclok & rode to the City of the Great Salt Lake I arived home to my family at 4 oclok I was truly glad to meet with my family
again after being asbsent from them 7 weeks distance to Filmore 160 Back 160 total 320
~ Tuesday
22nd I spent the day at home mostly I went to the tithing office to
settle my tithing. A Note was brought against me for taxes on goods
for $104.80 cts which I paid in 1850, but did not take it up but by refer-
ence to book accounts it was found that I had paid it
23rd ^& 24 & 25^ I spent the time at home reading & writing. I read a work
Entitled wild scenes in a Hunters Life Including Cummings
Adventures Among the Lions & other wild animals of Africa esspecially the Elefant
it was an interesting work it gave an account of the nature of all the wild Animals
of Africa in the Hunt & nearly all animals in the world
26th Saturday there was a mass Meeting of the people
according to the madjournment at Fillmore who met to day at the Tabernacle
for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of esstablishing
a daily express & passenger communication betwen the western states
& Calafornia or more extendedly between Europe & China. The meeting
was organized by chusing Gov Young President.
17th I spent the day writing & preparing to leave for home tomorrow
~ Friday
18th [FIGURE] The Legislature met this morning at the state House at 5 oclok
and adjourned till the 2nd Monday in dec 1856 after adjournment
The Governor & all the Northern Members & Judges started for home
it was a vary cold morning we rode to the severe & on to within 1 mile
of Chicken Creek & camped for the night 45 miles it was an extrem
cold night we camped on the side of the mountain in the snow many lade
down cedar boughs on the snow to make their beds but it was to cold to sleep. I arose
at 2 ock & set by a cedar fire to warm myself. It was understood that
~ Saturday
19th The company was to start at 4 oclock to go to Nephi to Breakfast some
of the waggons started out at that hour T. BullockJ. C. Wright myself
& others started out at 4 oclock to walk thinking that our waggons would
soon be along, but they did not start till 2 hours afterwards, we walked 7 mils
and it was so exceding cold in the snow, & onso high an altitude that we
thought we should freeze so we stoped in a patch of Greesewood & struck
a fire & staid by it 2 Hours before the waggons came up. Several frooze
their feet & fingers. when we arived at Nephi we were thoroughly chilled
through. we got warm took dinner & rode to Pason & spent the night with
Brother Hancock Bishop we rode 45 miles to day Lorenzo Snow & myselfJ. M.
Grant & J. C. Little & Ladies spent the night at Brother Israel Calkins He charged
us all 50 ctsper meal & 25for lodging
~ Sunday
20 continued vary cold we rode to Provo took dinner then
rode to the 1st settlement South of Lehi I spent the night with Brother & Sister
Parsons. President Young and Kimball Preached to the People in the evening
I did not attend & did not report
~ Monday
21 we started at 8 oclok & rode to the City of the Great Salt Lake I arived
home to my family at 4 oclok I was truly glad to meet with my family
again after being absent from them 7 weeks distance to Filmore 160 Back 160 total 320
~ Tuesday
22nd I spent the day at home mostly I went to the tithing office to
settle my tithing. A Note was brought against me for taxes on goods
for $104.80 cts which I paid in 1850, but did not take it up but by reference to book accounts it was found that I had paid it
23rd & 24 & 25 I spent the time at home reading & writing. I read a work
Entitled wild scenes in a Hunters Life Including Cummings
Adventures Among the Lions & other wild animals of Africa esspecially the Elefant
it was an interesting work it gave an account of the nature of all the wild Animals
of Africa in the Hunt & nearly all animals in the world
26th [FIGURE] Saturday there was a mass Meeting of the people
according to theadjournment at Fillmore who met to day at the Tabernacle
for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of Esstablish
a daily express & passenger communication betwen the western States
& Calafornia or more extendedly between Europe & China. The meeting
was organized by chusing Gov Young President.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 17, 1856 - January 26, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/5Yq