to this country to build their school houses on a plan which I gave them there has been many wings built but not
a centre building in the Territory I would calassify all
the children I would put the Little children all together & I
would take a girl or some one capable of teaching them & I
would have a good Black board and I would teach the Alphabet
upon that one book would be enough in the room I do not
believe in putting Books into the hands of Little children to
pour over & make them sit on a hard Bench untill they ake
all over. If I was a Teacher I would make them rise up &
march around the house and I would try to interest their
minds so they would delight to learn but many persons
who have learning sufficient to teach a school yet they are
not fit to teach children as soon as a child does sumthing
that does not pleas the teacher He begins to pound the child
with a ruler over the Head & back or slaps him in the side of
the Head with his hand this is not the way to treat children
You put a work into the hands of a Jerman Frenchman
Dane or Sweed or any other Nation printed in the Deserett
Alphabet & in a little time they will all read and spell alike
much sooner than they could learn a new language several
of the brethren spoke D. H. Wells said that he was satisfied
that the Lord had inspired the mind of President Young in this matter
~ Tuesday
Feb 1stA. O. SmootS. M. Blair & myself called upon
President Young to get council concerning our Joint
company in raising sugar cane & tobaco he said he would
advise us to form a company of one and not have a
parcel of Books to keep and a company to settle with the
partnership is a bad ship to sail in so we took his council
dissolved partnership and concluded to go upon our own
hook I spent the night with [blank]
~ Wednesday
2nd I spent the fore part of the day in the office scraping I [FIGURE] called upon Elias Smith He gave me an account of the
gold company explosion which was a rich affair Mr Mogo had a Brewery at the foot of the mountain near the
warm springs at the south End of the warm the Great Salt
Lake valley. He wanted to sell his Brewery at a high price,
so he came to Great Salt Lake City & gathered together [FIGURE]
about a dozen merchants & others among whom was Abel
Gilbert, Judge Sinclair, Secretary Hartnet & other dignitaris
and Mr Mogo told them that He had found gold He addressed
them sumthing like the following. The mormons have hunted
all this country over the Hills & dales for gold they no find
him none at all But I find him plenty, heap more than
in Calafornia. I fraid mormon get him now me friends
I want you to Join me & take possession of him, me sell
you me place you go with me & get him he heap of gold
the company not dreaming of a sell or being decieve
agreed to buy the place it was put in ^30^ shares of one thousand
dollars each Mr Gilbert bought 8 shares Hartnet 2 shares
& so untill he was paid $30000 the company started off
in the night secretly so as not to be seen and went
Jan 31
to this country to build their school houses on a plan which
I gave them there has been many wings built but not
a centre building in the Territory I would classify all
the children I would put the Little children all together & I
would take a girl or some one capable of teaching them & I
would have a good Black board and I would teach the Alphabet
upon that one book would be enough in the Room I do not
believe in putting Books into the hands of Little children to
pour over & make them sit on a hard Bench untill they ake
all over. If I was a Teacher I would make them rise up &
march around the house and I would try to interest their
minds so they would delight to learn but many persons
who have learning sufficient to teach a school yet they are
not fit to teach children as soon as a child does sumthing
that does not pleas the teacher He begins to pound the child
with a ruler over the Head & back or slaps him in the side of
the Head with his hand this is not the way to treat children
You put a work into the hands of a Jerman Frenchman
Dane or Sweed or any other Nation printed in the Deserett
Alphabet & in a little time they will all read and spell alike
much sooner than they could learn a new language several
of the brethren spoke D. H. Wells said that he was satisfied
that the Lord had inspired the mind of President Young in this matter
~ Tuesday
Feb 1stA. O. SmootS. M. Blair & myself called upon
President Young to get council concerning our Joint
company in raising sugar cane & tobaco he said he would
advise us to form a company of one and not have a
parcel of Books to keep and a company to settle with the
partnership is a bad ship to sail in so we took his council
dissolved partnership and concluded to go upon our own
hook I spent the night with [blank]
~ Wednesday
2nd I spent the fore part of the day in the office scraping I
[FIGURE] called upon Elias Smith He gave me an account of the
gold company explosion which was a Rich affair. Mr
Mogo had a Brewery at the foot of the mountain near the
warm springs at the south End of the the Great Salt
Lake valley. He wanted to sell his Brewery at a high price
so he came to Great Salt Lake City & gathered together
about a dozen merchants & others among whom was Abel
Gilbert, Judge Sinclair, secretary Hartnet & other dignitaris
and Mr Mogo told them that He had found gold He addressed
them sumthing like the following. The mormons have hunted
all this country over the Hills & dales for gold they no find
him none at all But I find him plenty, heap more than
in Calafornia. I fraid mormon get him now me friends
I want you to Join me & take possession of him, me sell
you me place you go with me & get him he heap of gold
the company not dreaming of a sell or being decieve
agreed to buy the place it was put in 30 shares of one thousand
dollars each Mr Gilbert bought 8 shares Hartnet 2 shares
& so untill he was paid $30000 the company started off
in the night secretly so as not to be seen and went
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 31, 1859 - February 2, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,