ask all of you, how would you feel if you had a work to do which
God & the heavens held you responsible for & just as you was about to
step forth to do it another man should rise up & take it out of your hands
Before the people as though you was not qualifyed to Do it or& was neg-
lecting your duty you would not like it you would feel schagrined
and so did I. Now we can see by this how easy it is for a man
to walk into a mud hole when they think they are walking on solid ground
then let us all profit by this example & be careful that we do not
interfere with the rights of others. We then went over to Presid[en]t Youngs and spent the evening we heard the Poney from the East read it
was up to the 1st of April
~ Monday
8. I began to sow carrotts in my garden I spent the day in the office
Journalizing I spent the Evening at the Theater
9In company with G. A. Smith I ordained Anne Vander Woude
to the office of a seventy & Blessed him & set him apart as the first
missionary to Holland He is a native of Holland, & is set apart ofto thatla
go to that land upon a mission
~ Tuesday
9th I set out some abovut 1000 grape cuttings to root this morning and I
done this in the midst of a severe snow storm we had a hard snow storm
which lasted till 1 oclok I had a visit in the afternoon From Father Smith
& Sister Whitney, also Sisters Eliza & Zina Young Sisters Pierce, Free & Bigelow Young also Lorenzo Snow I wrote a letter to Elder Erastus Snow & sent him a copy of a letter to J. M. Bernhisel about Cooks
portible Evaporator
~ Wednesday
10th I spent the day in the office writing I wrote a Letter to Azmon Woodruff in answer to one he sent me I showed him the difference
between the faith of the Latter Day Saints & the Millerites concerning
the coming of Christ I gave him some account of my circumstances
situation & Family the production of the soil &c
~ Thursday
11 I rode to Wights Fort to visit a cattle Drive But I found more
men than cattle, it was quite a cold day rode 30 miles
~ Friday
12 The Pony came in last night was read in the presidents office there
seemed some prospect of war betwen the North & South. The great animal
drive came off to day over 2000 cattle were drove together & several
Hundred head of Horses and a large congregation of people and there
were a continual scene of pelmell of men & Beast all day, ma[n]y found
ask all of you, how would you feel if you had a work to do which
God & the heavens held you responsible for & just as you was about to
step forth to do it another man should rise up & take it out of your hands
Before the people as though you was not qualifyed to Do it& was neglecting your duty you would not like it you would feelchagrined
and so did I. Now we can see by this how easy it is for a man
to walk into a mud hole when they think they are walking on solid ground
then let us all profit by this example & be careful that we do not
interfere with the rights of others. We then went over to President
Youngs and spent the evening we heard the Poney from the East read it
was up to the 1st of April
~ Monday
8. I began to sow carrotts in my garden I spent the day in the office
Journalizing I spent the Evening at the TheaterIn company with G. A. Smith I ordained Anne Vander Woude
to the office of a seventy & Blessed him & set him apart as the first
missionary to Holland. He is a native of Holland, & is set apartto
go to that land upon a mission
~ Tuesday
9th I set out some about 1000 grape cuttings to root this morning and I
done this in the midst of a severe snow storm we had a hard snow storm
which lasted till 1 oclok. I had a visit in the afternoon From Father Smith
& sister Whitney, also sisters Eliza & Zina Young sisters Pierce, Free &
Bigelow Young also Lorenzo Snow I wrote a letter to Elder Erastus Snow
[FIGURE] & sent him a copy of a letter to J. M. Bernhisel about Cooks
portible Evaporator
~ Wednesday
10th I spent the day in the office writing I wrote a Letter to Azmon
[FIGURE] Woodruff in answer to one he sent me I showed him the difference
between the faith of the Latter Day Saints & the Millerites concerning
the coming of Christ I gave him some account of my circumstances
situation & Family the production of the soil &c
~ Thursday
11 I rode to Wights Fort to visit a cattle Drive But I found more
men than cattle, it was quite a cold day rode 30 miles
12 The Pony came in last night was read in the presidents office there
seemed some prospect of war between the North & South. The great animal
drive came off to day over 2000 cattle were drove together & several
Hundred head of Horses and a large congregation of people and there
were a continual scene of pelmell of men & Beast all day, many found
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," April 7, 1861 - April 12, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,