Both North & South were gathering large armies and preparing for war
the Banks & rich men throughout the whole contry were consecrating
there millions of Dollars to sustain the war. The Nation has persecuted
the Saints of God & made them consecrate there all & flee from place to
to place to save their lives and now it is there turn, the Lord has said He would vex the Nation and he will suredly do it Civil war has
begun in Earnest & it will go on untill the will of God is done all they have
sought to bring upon us will come to pass upon them.
~ Thursday
2 The Deserett News Extra came out this morning containing the poney
Express of last Evening I spent most of the day in the office I called
upon President Young He gave me an invitation to take a trip south
with him I received a Letter from Capt Gibson containing some
scraps upon Brigham Young in Calafornia papers. He also wrote a
long letter to President Young which President Young gave me to read
in the evening
~ Friday
3 I tied up my grape vines this morning my Apple & Peach orchard
are all in Bloom the frost has killed all my Apricott fruit this
season & I think some of the peaches. I spent a part of the day in
the office
~ Saturday
4 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House giving Endowm[en]ts I was
quite unwell I spent the afternoon at [blank] The Pony Dispatch arived at 7 oclk
containing the News of the gathering of Armies North & South
8 I went onto the mountain above the Hot spring & visited my flock of
sheep and altered 30 Buck lambs most of which are Merino. I then
went down to the Jerdon to find a place to wash my sheep, & visited
my grass lot
Both North & South were gathering large armies and preparing for war
the Banks & rich men throughout the whole contry were consecrating
there millions of Dollars to sustain the war. The Nation has persecuted
the Saints of God & made them consecrate there all & flee from place to
to place to save their lives and now it is there turn, the Lord has said
[FIGURE] He would vex the Nation and he will suredly do it. Civil war has
begun in Earnest & it will go on untill the will of God is done all they have
sought to bring upon us will come to pass upon them.
~ Thursday
2 The Deserett News Extra came out this morning containing the poney
Express of last Evening I spent most of the day in the office I called
upon President Young He gave me an invitation to take a trip south
with him [FIGURE] I received a Letter from Capt Gibson containing some
scraps upon Brigham Young in Calafornia papers. He also wrote a
long letter to President Young which President Young gave me to read
in the evening
~ Friday
3 I tied up my grape vines this morning my Apple & Peach orchard
are all in Bloom the frost has killed all my Apricott fruit this
season & I think some of the peaches. I spent a part of the day in
the office
~ Saturday
4 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House giving Endowments I was
quite unwell I spent the afternoon at [blank] The Pony Dispatch arived at 7 oclk
containing the News of the gathering of Armies North & South
8 I went onto the mountain above the Hot spring & visited my flock of
sheep and altered 30 Buck lambs most of which are Merino. I then
went down to the Jerdon to find a place to wash my sheep, & visited
my grass lot
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," May 1, 1861 - May 8, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025,