while in the path of his duty President Kimball followed after president Young spoke 3/4 of an hour D. H. Wells followed & bore testimony, to what
had been said.
At the close of the meeting I accompanied President
Young to Bishop Wests Tannery I spent the night with Brother Benson
at Brother Farrs
~ Thursday
14 We drove to Kays Creek I dined at Brother Laytons instead of the
day previous. We held a meeting at the bowary President Young spoke a
few mom[en]ts Brother Kimball spoke a few words and then bid them good
by and we rode home to Great Salt Lake City & I spent the night
with my family, having travelled to & From Cash valley 200 mils
16th I spent the day watering my garden I was vary weary at night
I met with the Twelve in the Evening O pratt Prayed E T Benson was mouth
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I spent the day at home my Quorum met in the morning
Bishop hoagland Prayed. Brother Moon was mouth.
~ Monday
18 I spent the day in the office Journalizing the Eastern mail came in
& Brought us some papers but little News
~ Tuesday
19. I spent the forenoon diging up my dead peach & Almond trees killed
by the severe frosts last winter it was the most singular winter I ever
Experienced in any country for weeks we were visited with a dark
cold hoary frost which would load the trees like a snow it killed
nearly all the fruit buds in the country and entirely killed many
of the trees we will have but little fruit this season except curants
& a few Apples. I spent the afternoon in the officeG. A. Smith
started for Cash valley about 1 oclok to day with Brother Chrisman
~ Wednesday
20 I put up a rough shed Joining the back side of my ketchen for a
shade. in the afternoon I visited my farm I found my wheat
oats potatoes corn & sugar cane looking vary well my Hungarin
grass was injured by the frost. I called at the office in the evening
I recieved a copy of the patent office report on Agriculture it
was sent By Capt Hooper it is a useful work.
~ Thursday
21 I spent the morning it triming out the dead wood from my peach trees
and the afternoon in the office I spent the whole night in
watering my garden
~ Friday
22 I spent the forenoon choreing. I visited President Kimballs oil
13 1860
while in the path of his duty President Kimball followed after president
Young spoke 3/4 of an hour D. H. Wells followed & bore testimony, to what
had been said.
At the close of the meeting I accompanied President
Young to Bishop Wests Tannery I spent the night with Brother Benson
at Brother Farrs
~ Thursday
14 We drove to Kays Creek I dined at Brother Laytons instead of the
day previous. We held a meeting at the bowery President Young spoke a
few moments Brother Kimball spoke a few words and then bid them good
by and we rode home to Great Salt Lake City & I spent the night
with my family, having travelled to & From Cash Valley 200 mils
16th I spent the day watering my garden I was vary weary at night
I met with the Twelve in the Evening O pratt Prayed E T Benson was mouth
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I spent the day at home my Quorum met in the morning
Bishop hoagland Prayed. Brother Moon was mouth.
~ Monday
18 I spent the day in the office Journalizing the Eastern mail came in
& Brought us some papers but little News
~ Tuesday
19. I spent the forenoon diging up my dead peach & Almond trees killed
by the severe frosts last winter it was the most singular winter I ever
Experienced in any country for weeks we were visited with a dark
cold hoary frost whch would load the trees like a snow it killed
nearly all the fruit buds in the country and entirely killed many
of the trees we will have but little fruit this season except curants
& a few Apples. I spent the afternoon in the officeG. A. Smith
started for Cash Valley about 1 oclok to day with Brother Chrisman
~ Wednesday
20 I put up a rough shed Joining the back side of my ketchen for a
shade in the afternoon I visited my farm I found my wheat
oats potatoes corn & sugar cane looking vary well my Hungarin
grass was injured by the frost. I called at the office in the evening
I recieved a copy of the patent office report on Agriculture it
was sent By capt Hooper it is a useful work.
~ Thursday
21 I spent the morning it triming out the dead wood from my peach trees
and the afternoon in the office I spent the whole night in
watering my garden
~ Friday
22 I spent the forenoon choreing. I visited President Kimballs oil
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," June 13, 1860 - June 22, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/g53k