13 ^1860^
We rode to Willard Creek & held a meeting with the people
President Young Prayed & spoke to the people a short time He
said we are still mormons or more properly speaking Latter Day
Saints we are not going to the Moon or any other planet for our
Heaven but we shall make it here on Earth None will ever be
condemned Except those who have the privilege of hearing the
gospel and reject it. it is said that the Nations of the Earth that forget
God will be turned into Hell but how can a people forget got [God] that do not
know him. This people are improving you may say we have a
good many rowdies among us. how is it with you are you doing righ
if so you will practice honesty." He then spoke of our duty to build
up Zion & beautify the Earth. "if we have the spirit of Zion we will build
the best Houses make the best garden, & the best improvements we can
for if we will not be faithful over temperal things who will intr-
ust to us Eternal riches. President Kimball followed and bore
testimony. President Young then said I wish you to move this
public road East of the city to its old place, and improve this
place. At the close of the meeting we rode to Ogden at 3 oclok I dined with Christopher Layton had lamb & green peas for
dinner. We held a meeting in the Ogden Tabernacle at 3 oclok
this is a splendid Hall it is 100 by 50 feet it will seat some
1500 people it was filled & many could not get in this is the la[r]gest
Hall in the Territory except the Salt Lake City Tabernacle. many
women had children who were crying vary loud which
made it hard speaking. E. T. Benson opened the meeting by
Prayer President Young spoke at length "He said there
never was a time nor never would be when there would
not be worlds in existance like this peopled with human
beings passing through a probation like unto ourselves
This continent is the place whare Christ will make his
appearance the second time and last time and the Kingdom
is ours Eternally. we will live to see the day that we shall be delivered
from our Enemies and the wicked thieves that now infest us &
I will say to those characters who are determined to steal & do
wickedly to go [at] it while you have a chance for your time is vary
short all those who have fallen of late in this Territory were worthy
of Deth & met there reward Except Brother Cook, who was killed
~ Wednesday
We rode to Willard Creek & held a meeting with the people
President Young Prayed & spoke to the people a short time He
said we are still mormons or more properly speaking Latter Day
Saints we are not going to the Moon or any other planet for our
Heaven but we shall make it here on Earth None will ever be
condemned Except those who have the privilege of hearing the
gospel and reject it, it is said that the Nations of the Earth that forget
God will be turned into Hell but how can a people forget God that do not
know him. This people are improving you may say we have a
good many rowdies among us, how is it with you are you doing righ
if so you will practice honesty." He then spoke of our duty to build
up Zion & beautify the Earth, "if we have the spirit of Zion we will build
the best Houses make the best gardens, & the best improvements we can
for if we will not be faithful over temperal things who will intrust to us Eternal riches. President Kimball followed and bore
testimony. President Young then said I wish you to move this
public road East of the city to its old place, and improve this
place. At the close of the meeting we rode to Ogden at 3 oclok
We held a meeting in the Ogden Tabernacle at 3 oclock
this is a splendid Hall it is 100 by 50 feet it will seat some
1500 people it was filled & many could not get in this is the largest
Hall in the Territory except the Salt Lake City Tabernacle, many
women had children who were crying vary loud which
made it hard speaking. E. T. Benson opened the meeting by
Prayer President Young spoke at length "He said there
never was a time nor never would be when there would
not be worlds in existance like this peopled with human
beings passing through a probation like unto ourselves
This continent is the place whare Christ will make his
appearance the second time and last time and the Kingdom
is ours Eternally, we will live to see the day that we shall be delivered
from our Enemies and the wicked thieves that now infest us &
I will say to those characters who are determined to steal & do
wickedly to go at it while you have a chance for your time is vary
short all those who have fallen of late in this Territory were worthy
of Deth & met there reward Except Brother Cook, who was killed
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," June 13, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 4, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/0gxL