you want to go to England go or any whare Els whare the spirit may
send you. your mission is in all the world & if you find any man in
the United States who is wanted in England or any other part of the
vineyard send him there No matter whare a man is sent he is
under the direction of the Twelve & they have a right to send him
to any place whare the spirit may direct. I[n] conversing about merch[an]t-
dicze with Capt Hooper President Young said I think & then I dont think
but before I enter into business I want to have the right bump touched
in my head by an Angel or the spirit of God before I act. H. S.
Eldridge did not go East for the Church but upon his own responsib-
ility. Yet He done some business for us but I should not have sent
him I dont want the interest upon the money the brethren put into
Banks all I want is the principle Brother Cannon could make enough
in England upon Exchanges to support himself & family. Brother Cannon
said He got the passage of the Saints From New York to Florence
for $10.80 cts via Rail way
I attended a meeting of the Board of the D A & M socity at
Bishop Hunters to prepare for the State Fair
~ Thursday
27 I spent the day assisting the missionaries & in the offce
~ Friday
28th I set up my sugar mill at the farm to day I walked to the farm & back
to the city twice to day I felt quite unwell. the mail arived to day 16 mi[les]
~ Saturday
29. I spent the fore part of the day looking over the papers & the afternoon
in compiling History. Capt Hooper with O. PrattG. Q Cannon & others
started at 3 oclok from Presidents Youngs onpon their Journey. I met with
the President & Board of directors of the D A & M Society at the deseret store
to make arangements for the coming fair staid till midnight
~ Sunday
30 Sunday I had my right hand badly swoolen this morning from a bruse
I polticed it through the day & did not attend meeting Bishop Kesler preached
in the morning followed by John Taylor & President Young in the afternoon
President Wells & Kimball
~ Monday
Oct 1st a plesant day my hand is better I spent the forepart of the day
compiling History In the afternoon I called upon President Young He
invited me to take a walk with him. I went with him to his new sugar
mill esstablished to go by water. it was a strong affair with a Breast
wheel. We then went to his barn to see his new Boilers they are making
them with wooden Ends but I think the Ends should have been made of
you want to go to England go or any whare Els whare the spirit may
send you. your mission is in all the world & if you find any man in
the United States who is wanted in England or any other part of the
vineyard send him there No matter whare a man is sent he is
under the direction of the Twelve & they have a right to send him
to any place whare the spirit may direct. In conversing about merchantdize with Capt Hooper President Young said I think & then I dont think
but before I enter into business I want to have the right bump touched
in my head by an Angel or the spirit of God before I act. H. S.
Eldridge did not go East for the Church but upon his own responsibility. Yet He done some business for us but I should not have sent
him I dont want the interest upon the money the brethren put into
Banks all I want is the principle Brother Cannon could make enough
in England upon Exchanges to support himself & family. Brother Cannon
said He got the passage of the Saints From New York to Florence
for $10.80 cts via Rail way
I attended a meeting of the Board of the D A & M socity at
Bishop Hunters to prepare for the State Fair
27 I spent the day assisting the missionaries & in the offce
28th I set up my sugar mill at the farm to day I walked to the farm & back
to the City twice to day I felt quite unwell. the mail arived to day 16 miles
29. I spent the fore part of the day looking over the papers & the afternoon
in compiling History. Capt Hooper with O. PrattG. Q Cannon & others
started at 3 oclok from Presidents Youngs opon their Journey. I met with
the President & Board of directors of the D A & M Society at the deseret store
to make arangements for the coming fair staid till midnight
30 Sunday I had my right hand badly swoolen this morning from a bruse
I polticed it through the day & did not attend meeting. Bishop Kesler preached
in the morning followed by John Taylor & President Young in the afternoon
President Wells & Kimball
Oct 1st a plesant day my hand is better I spent the forepart of the day
compiling History. In the afternoon I called upon President Young He
invited me to take a walk with him, I went with him to his new sugar
mill esstablished to go by water. it was a strong affair with a Bre[illegible]
wheel. We then went to his barn to see his new Boilers they are making
them with wooden Ends but I think the Ends should have been made of
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," September 26, 1860 - October 1, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,