18th Nov ^1860^
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Br John M. Mody prayed Jonathan Pugmyre was mouth I attended meeting at the TabernacleJ. L. Hey-
wood & E. D. Woolley Preached in the afternoon Capt Walter M. Gibson
& spoke followed by President Brigham Young Brother Gibson said that
He was about to take another mission was going to Jappan, Siam, & the Malay Islands. He has had an invitation by the Historian of Jappan to
visit that Land, is intimately acquainted with the King of Siam & has been
strongly invited by the princes & chiefs of the Malay Islands to visit
them He seems to have been raised up as an instrument in the Hands of
God to open the way among those Nations for the receptions of the gospel
President Young Blessed him & said He would go with a commissin
to all Nations upon the Earth & he should go with his good will
& blessing.
22. I spent this day cutting up Beef & choreing The poney Express
arived to day and report that 5stateshavesecededfrom the union
viz South Caralinia, Georgia, Alabama, Missippi & Texas. ^Florida^ this will
probably lay a foundation for a bloody war ^(Fals report No secession yet)^
~ Friday
23 I salted down my beef this forenoon & spent the afternoon in the office
~ Saturday
24 I was quite unwell this morning with a Diarrhoea. I spent most of the day
in the Endowment House. The Mountaineer to day contains the news
By Poney Express concerning the withdrawal of the Southern States from
the union it commenced in South Carolina in fulfillment of the prophecy [Doctrine and Covenants 87] of Joseph Smith the Prophet or the revelation of the Lord through
him which has been published in the pearl of Great Price & written
in various Books for many years it really looks as though the United
States were ripe for the Harvest
18th Nov 1860
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Br John M. Mody prayed
Jonathan Pugmyre was mouth. I attended meeting at the TabernacleJ. L. Heywood & E. D. Woolley Preached in the afternoon Capt Walter M. Gibson
& spoke followed by President Brigham Young. Brother Gibson said that
He was about to take another mission was going to Jappan, Siam, & the
Malay Islands. He has had an invitation by the Historian of Jappan to
visit that Land, is intimately acquainted with the King of Siam & has been
strongly invited by the princes & Chiefs of the Malay Islands to visit
them. He seems to have been raised up as an instrument in the Hands of
God to open the way among those Nations for the receptions of the gospel
President Young Blessed him & said He would go with a commission
to all Nations upon the Earth & he should go with his good will
& blessing.
22. I spent this day cutting up Beef & choreing. The poney Express
arived to day and report that 5stateshavesecededfrom the union
Viz South Caralinia, Georgia, Alabama, Missippi & Florida this will
probably lay a foundation for a [FIGURE] bloody war (Fals report No secessionyet)
23 I salted down my beef this forenoon & spent the afternoon in the office
24 I was quite unwell this morning with a Diarrhoea. I spent most of the day
in the Endowment House. The Mountaineer to day contains the news
By Poney Express concerning the withdrawal of the Southern States from
the union it commenced in South Carolina in fulfillment of the prophecy
FIGURES of Joseph Smith the Prophet or the revelation of the Lord through
him which has been published in the pearl of Great Price & written
in various Books for many years it really looks as though the United
States were ripe for the Harvest
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," November 18, 1860 - November 24, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 23, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/mw5G