& drew them all across two forks of the river in about one hour
we then divided them into small heards & tolled them with hay
down the canyon & within 4 miles of Farmington & stoped for the
night with a family by the name of gGreen 10 mi[les]
the snow was about 3 feet on a lever at Brother Bomans
~ Sunday
19. Sunday we got an Early Breakfast & then drove our flock of
sheep to Farmington at Brothr Ezra Clarks who gave me a yard
to put them in & a plenty of hay to feed them. Brother Ezra Clark
& Lot Smith have been vary kind to me & rendered me great
assistance in this immergancy I spent the day & night at Br Clarks 7 [miles].
~ Monday
20. Solomon Wixom & myself left Brother Clarks & our flock of
sheep in his care & James to feed them & we drove home
through a vary muddy road & found all well 18 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
21. I received a letter from Wilford I went to the field &
commensed geting out manure the lot is still covered with snow
~ Wednesday
22nd I spent the day getting out manure on the farm
~ Thursday
23 I was not well had a severe cold spent the day at home
~ Friday
24. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowment to 67 person
W Woodruff sealed 7 couple G. Q. Cannon sealed 8 couple I was still
in poor health.
~ Saturday
25. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 67 persons. W. W. sealed 11 couple G. Q. C. 10 couple.
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the afternoon. W. S. Godby & H. S. Eldridge spoke
in the morning & Bishop Hunter & President Young in the
Afternoon. I met in the Evening for prayer with several
of the twelve. I attended meeting at the 14 ward. Brother G. Q. Cannon spoke I followed him
onday to ~ Thursday
27 to 30. I spent the time making fence & taking stock to the [illegible]
April 1st April fool day I spent the day in the Endowment House
whare there was no fooling. We gave Endowments to 47. W Woodruff
sealed 11 couple G Q Cannon 15 couple. It was a warm plesant day
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
the meeting at the TabernacleA Lyman spoke in the forenoon
& drew them all across two forks of the river in about one hour
we then divided them into small heards & tolled them with hay
down the canyon & within 4 miles of Farmington & stoped for the
night with a family by the name ofGreen 10 miles
the snow was about 3 feet on a lever at Brother Bomans
~ Sunday
19. Sunday we got an Early Breakfast & then drove our flock of
sheep to Farmington at Brothr Ezra Clarks who gave me a yard
to put them in & a plenty of hay to feed them. Brother Ezra Clark
& Lot Smith have been vary kind to me & rendered me great
assistance in this immergancy I spent the day & night at Br Clarks 7.
~ Monday
20. Solomon Wixom & myself left Brother Clarks & our flock of
sheep in his care & James to feed them & we drove home
through a vary muddy road & found all well 18 miles
~ Tuesday
21. [FIGURE] I received a letter from Wilford I went to the field &
commensed geting out manure the lot is still covered with snow
~ Wednesday
22nd I spent the day getting out manure on the farm
~ Thursday
23 I was not well had a severe cold spent the day at home
~ Friday
24. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowment to 67 person
W Woodruff sealed 7 couple G. Q. Cannon sealed 8 couple I was still
in poor health.
~ Saturday
25. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 67 persons W. W. sealed 11 couple G. Q. C. 10 couple.
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the afternoon W. S. Godby & H. S. Eldridge spoke
in the morning & Bishop Hunter & President Young in the
Afternoon. I met in the Evening for prayer with several
of the Twelve. I attended meeting at the 14 ward Brother
G. Q. Cannon spoke I followed him
onday to ~ Thursday
27 to 30. I spent the time making fence & taking stock to the meads
April 1st April fool day I spent the day in the Endowment House
whare there was no fooling. We gave Endowments to 47. W Woodruff
sealed 11 couple G Q Cannon 15 couple. It was a warm plesant day
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
the meeting at the TabernacleA Lyman spoke in the forenoon
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," March 18, 1865 - April 2, 1865, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 25, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/KOnM