24 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House ^30 end[ow]ments^ W Woodruff
sealed 16 couple & President Kimball 1 couple. I attended a
meeting in the Evening with Board of the D. A. & M. society
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I went to the office in the morning & wrote some in
my Journal. Bishop Edward Hunter talked about one hour
upon various subjects He told a Dream that a woman had
she was in athe world of spirits & saw men receive there rewards
& punishments one man had stolen a coat in the world & He
was put in prision when he died & his wife & children was
sold to remain in servitude untill the last farthing was paid
~ Monday
26 I spent the day at home and ^at^ Night I attended the military
Meeting at Presidents Young school House many interesting
remarks were made By President Young which were reported
by J V Long
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
27, 28. I spent the time at the farm in making up the Agricultual
sugar cane, which finished my making molases for this season
~ Thursday
29 I spent the day at home choreing. I began to dig my carrotts
~ Friday
30. I Attended Mother Ivins funeral. Presidents Joseph
& Brigham Young both Preached. I reported it. I dug with
my help near 100 bushels of carrotts we had a snow storm
at night.
~ Saturday
31. We have a stormy day I attended the Endowment House today
we gave endowments to 37. President Kimball sealed 7 couple
W. Woodruff 22 couple G A. Smith buried a child to day it
snowed and rained through most of the day
The following is a synopsis of Presidents Youngs remarks on the
30, at the Funeral of sister Ivins
"On such occasions as this I can say that I have many reflections
we are subject to pain, sickness & death yet we cling to life. when a
20 I went to the field & ground sugar cain in the afternoon
it became vary cold & froze vary hard
~ Wednesday
21 Ice was 2 inches thick this morning I made 20 gallons of
Molasses to day & went home at night
~ Thursday
22nd I Boxed up in chaff about 40 Bushels of Appls to day
~ Friday
23 I spent the day at home choreing
~ Saturday
24 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House W Woodruff
sealed 16 couple & President Kimball 1 couple. I attended a
meeting in the Evening with Board of the D. A. & M. society
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I went to the office in the morning & wrote some in
my Journal. Bishop Edward Hunter talked about one hour
upon various subjects He told a Dream that a woman had
she was inthe world of spirits & saw men receive there rewards
& punishments one man had stolen a coat in the world & He
was put in prision when he died & his wife & children was
sold to remain in servitude untill the last farthing was paid
~ Monday
26 I spent the day at home and at Night I attended the militery
meeting at Presidents Young school House many interesting
remarks were made By President Young which were reported
by J V Long
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
27, 28. I spent the time at the farm in making up the Agricultual
sugar cane, which finished my making molases for this season
~ Thursday
29 I spent the day at home choreing. I began to dig my carrotts
~ Friday
30. I Attended Mother Ivins funeral Presidents Joseph
and Brigham Young both Preached. I reported it. I dug with
my help near 100 bushels of carrotts we had a snow storm
at night.
~ Saturday
31. We have a stormy day I attended the Endowment House today
we gave Endowments to 37. President Kimball sealed 7 couple
W. Woodruff 22 couple G A. Smith buried a child to day it
snowed and rained through most of the day
The following is a synopsis of Presidents Youngs remarks on the
30, at the Funeral of sister Ivins
"On such occasions as this I can say that I have many reflection
we are subject to pain, sickness & death yet we cling to life. when a
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," October 19, 1863 - October 31, 1863, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/DR3q