NovDec 45th ^1860^
I drove to great salt Lake City on the Lower road found a good
road except a short distance of mud & water I spent the night at home 40 mils
~ Thursday
56 I drove to Fort Herriman & spent the night 25 m[iles]
~ Friday
67th I Butchered a hog, went to the canyon got a load of wood. my ax
struct a limb while choping, glanced, struck my shin, cut through
my Boot, & came near cutting my shin
~ Saturday
78th I returned home, Bought a south Down Buck half Blood of Samuel Benyon, Brought home with me & put with my flock
~ Sunday
9th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning E F Sheets prayed J. C. Little was mouth. I attended meeting at the TabernacleJames H Hart
preached in the morning & President B Young in the afternoon He gave
much interesting instruction J Taylor & myself went home with
President Young at noon. H. C. KimballD. H. WellsG A Smith J Taylor
& W. Woodruff met at the Historians office in the Evening H C Kimball
was not well & did not stop for prayers D. H. Wells prayed. G. A. Smith
was mouth.
~ Monday
10th The Legislative assembly met at the Social Hall at 10 oclok &
organized & adjourned to meet tomorrow at the Court House at 11 oclk
~ Tuesday
11 The Legislative assembly met at the Court Houce to day at 11 oclok
I was Elected to Fill the vacansy of Profesor Orson Pratt resigned I atte-
nded yesterday & to day we met in Joint Session herd the Govornor
message read & adjourned. The Court Houce was vary well fitted up
& the secretary has furnished the rooms for the member vary well
at the close of the council I visited Elder Franklin D. Richards
who was vary sick with the inflamitory Rieumatasims I administered to him
by the laying on of hands. I then visited Daniel Spencer who has
been sick with a lung complaint a long time but is now getting better
I spent the evening at the Historians office Journalizing
~ Wednesday
12. I spent the day in the Legislator the council met at 11 oclokG. A. S. pres[en]ted
A memorial to congress for extending the southern root to Calafornia
& put serveice thereon. President D. H. Wells distribited the Governers message to
the several committies Elder Lorenzo Snow arived at my House this evening
~ Thursday
13 we had a snow storm through the night. I visited President Young Hog
yard he has about 100 all told of splendid Hogs, & pigs. I then visited his new
school room which is a splendid building. I attended the Legislature at 1 oclk
~ Friday
Dec 14th I visited my Farm in the Forenoon Attended the Legislature in the afternoon
Dec 5th1860
I drove to great salt Lake City on the Lower road found a good
road except a short distance of mud & water I spent the night at home 40 mils
6 I drove to Fort Harriman & spent the night 25 miles
7th I Butchered a hog, went to the canyon got a load of wood, my ax
struct a limb while choping, glanced, struck my shin, cut through
my Boot, & came near cutting my shin
8th I returned home, Bought a south Down Buck half Blood of
Samuel Benyon, Brought home with me & put with my flock
9th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. E F Sheets prayed
J. C. Little was mouth. I attended meeting at the TabernacleJames H Hart
preached in the morning & President B Young in the afternoon. He gave
much interesting instruction J Taylor & myself went home with
President Young at noon. H. C. KimballD. H. WellsG A Smith J Taylor
& W. Woodruff met at the Historians office in the Evening H C Kimball
was not well & did not stop for prayers. D. H. Wells Prayed. G. A. Smith
was mouth.
10th The Legislative assembly met at the Social Hall at 10 oclok &
organized & adjourned to meet tomorrow at the Court House at 11 oclk
11 The Legislative assembly met at the Court House to day at 11 oclok
I was Elected to Fill the vacansy of Profesor Orson Pratt resigned I attended yesterday & to day we met in Joint Session herd the Govornors
message read & adjourned. The Court House was vary well fitted up
& the secretary has furnished the rooms for the member vary well
at the close of the council I visited Elder Franklin D. Richards
who was vary sick with the inflamitory Reumatisms I administered to him
by the laying on of hands. I then visited Daniel Spencer who has
been sick with a lung complaint a long time but is now getting better
I spent the evening at the Historians office Journalizing
12. I spent the day in the Legislator the council met at 11 oclokG. A. S. presented
A memorial to congress for extending the southern root to Calafornia
& put service thereon. President D. H. Wells distribited the Governers message to
the several committies. Elder Lorenzo Snow arived at my House this evening
13 We had a snow storm through the night. I visited President Young Hog
yard he has about 100 all told of splendid Hogs, & pigs, I then visited his new
school room which is a splendid building. I attended the Legislature at 1 oclok
Dec 14th I visited my Farm in the Forenoon Attended the Legislature in the afternoon
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"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," December 5, 1860 - December 14, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,