giving the same commandment to Elders in New Yoork City but
it cannot be Expected that Elders will start from this city to walk
a thousand miles to settlements without food or to kill there game by
the way But they have got to be supplyed with means to go to themre
Field of Labor. I now want to take up a collection next sunday
& the sunday following for the missionaries who are not able to fit
themselves out and I want the Bishops to see to it and attend to
it I shall take up a collection for this purpose. we are in a land of
plenty we have a superabundance of means. now shall we send
out those Elders to beg of the poor saints who are already bound down
with poverty to obtain all their supplies No we will not. I do not me[a]n
that this people shall stay here in their wealth and sin any longer &
send out Elders to preach & beg of the poor who have not means to
come to Zion as they have done heretofore. I intend this people
Hereafter shall find means to send the Elders to their fields of
Labor and if necessary to bring them back again. our Elders
have had to beg so much frofm the people that they have bound
the Saints with chains of oppression. this must be stoped The
Saints in Zion must take this burthen off from the poor abroad
The people Here think [they] are vary good Saints but they have
but one Eye open. The Elders of Israel here in Zion have
there minds upon thworldly matters and not upon the building ofup of the Kingdom of God. they will go into the stand and preach
and get down and pray and promise the Lord what they
will do. they will get up and and a horse trade will make
them deny all they promised the Lord as the Elders advance
in the Kingdom of God did I say advance No they do not
advance you will hear Elders get up in the stand and Exhort
the people not to Quarrel with their Neighbors or abuse there
wives or children Now if the Elders were living their religin
& walking in the path of Duty they would consider such
preaching an Insult and a disgrace to them, as they would
be living above such conduct. The Elders and people are asleep
and there Hearts are set upon getting rich and the work of
God is out of sight to them. Now I will say to you Bishops that
I dont care a groat whether you or the people do one thing or
giving the same commandment to Elders in New York City but
it cannot be Expected that Elders will start from this city to walk
a thousand miles to settlements without food or to kill there game by
the way. But they have got to be supplyed with means to go to there
Field of Labor. I now want to take up a collection next sunday
& the sunday following for the missionaries who are not able to fit
themselves out and I want the Bishops to see to it and attend to
it. I shall take up a collection for this purpose. we are in a land of
plenty we have a superabundance of means, now shall we send
out those Elders to beg of the poor saints who are already bound down
with poverty to obtain all their supplies No we will not. I do not mean
that this people shall stay here in their wealth and sin any longer &
send out Elders to preach & beg of the poor who have not means to
come to Zion as they have done heretofore. I intend this people
Hereafter shall find means to send the Elders to their fields of
Labor and if necessary to bring them back again. Our Elders
have had to beg so much from the people that they have bound
the Saints with chains of oppression, this must be stoped The
Saints in Zion must take this burthen off from the poor abroad
The people Here think they are vary good Saints but they have
but one Eye open. The Elders of Israel here in Zion have
there minds uponworldly matters and not upon the building
up of the Kingdom of God. they will go into the stand and preach
and get down and pray and promise the Lord what they
will do. they will get up and and a horse trade will make
them deny all they promised the Lord as the Elders advanc
in the Kingdom of God did I say advanc No they do not
advance you will hear Elders get up in the stand and Exhort
the people not to Quarrel with their Neighbors or abuse there
wives or children. Now if the Elders were living their religion
& walking in the path of Duty they would consider such
preaching an Insult and a disgrace to them, as they would
be living above such conduct. The Elders and people are asleep
and there Hearts are set upon getting rich and the work of
God is out of sight to them. Now I will say to you Bishops that
I dont care a groat whether you or the people do one thing or
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"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," September 13, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025,