We rode to Box Elder Held a meeting in the Court House in Brigham
City at 1 oclok P.M. Elder Taylor spoke to the People I followed him Elder Lorenzo Snow President of this Branch followed me. We had the spirit
of the Lord upon us & a good meeting the People were in tears There
had been a good deal of Apostacy among the Welch saints in this Branch
Elder Taylor had talked with some of the leaders, and they were in meet-
ing this afternoon. We adjurned till candle light when a large assembly
met again and the evening was spent in bearing testimony 7 persons
spoke the spirit of the Lord was with them & they bore a strong testimony
among the Number was Isaac Laney who bore a strong testimony of the
work of the Lord He spoke of his being shot at Hawns Mill with some
17 Ball Holes in his body many of them apparently the most deadly shots as
History declares yet he was preserved he had a dream the night before it
took place as follows [FIGURE] He dreamed that a shower of serpents was all
around him in the air rattle snakes & that many of them bit him all over his
body but he was told that if he would not fall down but keep running
that they would not hurt him after he was bit a man came to him
& said Brother Laney do not decieve yourself about living No man ever
bit as you are can ever live But he said I shall live & not die. Brother
Laney testified that when he was shot this dream was fulfilled when
the Balls pearced his body through & through it did not hurt him more
than the scrach of a pin all though He bled at the mouth like an ox with
his trohroat cut yet he ckept running untill he was out of the reach of
the mob. A man came to him & said Brother Laney do not decieve
yourself about living No man was Ever shot as you are who ever lived
But He said I shall live & not die & he did live by the power of God &
is now Harty & well & he said I had another Dream two years ago
which will be fulfilled as Follows. "I dreamed I was at Camp Floyd
after the Armey of the U. S. had camped there & I saw a large frame building
with all the clapboards off & I saw a huge serpent stretched across
the building about 100 feet long with his head to the East he looked terrible
viscious & dangerous he soon rose in the air & flew towards the East While
in the air he appeared to be 500 feet long with 75 feet of rattles soon
he fell all to peaces every Joint in his body separated from his head to
his tail. The interpetation is the U. S. Government & Army will all break
to peases as they are now doing
~ Wednesday
13 Feb 1861
We rode to Box Elder. Held a meeting in the Court House in Brigham
City at 1 oclok P.M. Elder Taylor spoke to the People I followed him Elder
Lorenzo Snow President of this Branch followed me. We had the spirit
of the Lord upon us & a good meeting the people were in tears. There
had been a good deal of Apostacy among the Welch saints in this Branch
Elder Taylor had talked with some of the leaders and they were in meeting this afternoon. We adjurned till candle light when a large assembly
met again and the evening was spent in bearing testimony 7 persons
spoke the spirit of the Lord was with them & they bore a strong testimony
among the Number was Isaac Laney who bore a strong testimony of the
work of the Lord He spoke of his being shot at Hawns Mill with some
17 Ball Holes in his body many of them apparently the most deadly shots as
History declares yet he was preserved he had a dream the night before it
took place as follows [FIGURE] He dreamed that a shower of serpents was all
around him in the air rattle snakes & that many of them bit him all over his
body but he was told that if he would not fall down but keep running
that they would not hurt him after he was bit a man came to him
& said Brother Laney do not decieve yourself about living No man ever
bit as you are can ever live But he said I shall live & not die. Brother
Laney testified that when he was shot this dream was fulfilled. When
the Balls pearced his body through & through it did not hurt him more
than the scrach of a pin all though He bled at the mouth like an ox with
his throat cut yet hekept running untill he was out of the reach of
the mob. A man came to him & said Brother Laney do not decieve
yourself about living. No man was Ever shot as you are who ever lived
But He said I shall live & not die & he did live by the power of God &
is now Harty & well & he said I had another Dream two years ago
which will be fulfilled as Follows. "I dreamed I was at Camp Floyd
after the Armey of the U.S. had camped there & I saw a large frame building
with all the clapboards off & I saw a huge serpent stretched across
the building about 100 feet long with his head to the East he looked terrible
viscious & dangerous he soon rose in the air & flew towards the East While
in the air he appeared to be 500 feet long with 75 feet of rattles soon
he fell all to peaces every Joint in his body separated from his head to
his tail. The interpetation is the U.S. Government & Army will all break
to peases as they are now doing
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 13, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/oYzY