Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Wilford Prayed Brother Hinkley was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle President Young spoke
to the Elders in the forenoon in a vary Edifying manner, said it was natural
for us to wish to make all men like ourselves but we must take men as we find
them & deal with them as such there is a great variety in the kingdom of God
you cannot find any two limbs or leaves of a tree or spears of grass just alike
In the afternoon Elder Joseph W. Young spoke followed by President Kimball John Taylor & President Young. I Preached in the 13 ward to a large assembly
19. I spent the day in the office. Elder Orson Hyde spent the afternoon
with us reading Josephus mostly He spoke of his mission in Sanpete and
the unwise course of Bishop Warren Snow, & George Pecock his first
councillor, they have squandered a large amount of tithing funds, co[u]nty
taxes &c & Brother Hyde thinks from Testimony guilty of stealing many
cattle. Elder Hyde delivered a vary interesting lerrcture at the 13 ward
Assembly room I bore testimony to the same the room was crouded
~ Wednesday
20. I spent the day in the office. The Deseret News of to day contains
the following statistics. That the seccessionest have seized 14 Forts which
costs $6000000. Pierced for 1099 guns and 5530 Men required to man
them. The Poney came in from the East brought word up to the 11 Feb. the
Southern States have Formed a Confederacy Apointed Jeff Davis President
& Stephens of Georgia vice President. I wrote a letter to G. A. Smith giving an account of my Journey to Brigham City & the last
Poney Express I received an invitation to attend a Party at the sucial Hall on Friday 22nd Feb in Honor of Gen Washingtons Birthday I attended a meeting of the D. A. & M. Society at the Historians office
we formed a New ticket of President & Board of Directors I resigned
my place in the Board of Directors at the close of the meeting I went
to the printing office and staid till 11 oclok waiting for an Extra
~ Thursday
21st President Kimball called & had one of his sermons read in the
fore noon I spent most of the day in the office I was poorly in the evening
~ Friday
22 I spent the forenoon in the office we had a hard snow storm last night
there was 6 inches of snow on the ground this morning I attended a
Party at the Social Hall with the Presidency and others also Govornor Cummings the Judges, secretary, James & Mr Bell. We remained
till midnight dancing & singing
~ Sunday
17 Feb 1861
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Wilford Prayed Brother
Hinkley was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle President Young spoke
to the Elders in the forenoon in a vary Edifying manner, said it was natural
for us to wish to make all men like ourselves but we must take men as we find
them & deal with them as such there is a great variety in the kingdom of God
you cannot find any two limbs or leaves of a tree or spears of grass just alike
In the afternoon Elder Joseph W. Young spoke followed by President KimballJohn Taylor & President Young. I Preached in the 13 ward to a large assembly
19. I spent the day in the office. Elder Orson Hyde spent the afternoon
with us reading Josephus mostly He spoke of his mission in Sanpete and
the unwise course of Bishop Warren Snow, & George Pecock his first
councillor, they have squandered a large amount of tithing funds, county
taxes &c & Brother Hyde thinks from Testimony guilty of stealing many
cattle. Elder Hyde delivered a vary interesting lecture at the 13 ward
Assembly room I bore testimony to the same the room was crouded
~ Wednesday
20. I spent the day in the office. The Deseret News of to day contains
the following statistics. That the seccessionest have seized 14 Forts which
costs $6000000. Pierced for 1099 guns and 5530 Men required to man
them. The Poney came in from the East brought word up to the 11, Feb. the
Southern States have Formed a Confederacy Apointed Jeff Davis President
& Stephens of Georgia vice President. I wrote a letter to G. A. Smith
[FIGURE] giving an account of my Journey to Brigham City & the last
Poney Express [FIGURE] I received an invitation to attend a Party at the
sucial Hall on Friday 22nd Feb in Honor of Gen Washingtons Birthday
[FIGURE] I attended a meeting at the D. A. & M. Society at the Historians office
we formed a New ticket of President & Board of Directors I resigned
my place in the Board of Directors at the close of the meeting I went
to the printing office and staid till 11 oclok waiting for an Extra
~ Thursday
21st President Kimball called & had one of his sermons read in the
fore noon I spent most of the day in the office I was poorly in the evening
~ Friday
22 I spent the forenoon in the office we had a hard snow storm last night
there was 6 inches of snow on the ground this morning I attended a
Party at the Social Hall with the Presidency and others also Govornor
Cummings the Judges, secretary, James & Mr Bell. We remained
till midnight dancing & singing
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 17, 1861 - February 22, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,