Saturday I spent the day in the Endowment House giving Endowm[en]ts
I spent the evening at home
~ Sunday
24 I met with my Quorum in the morning. Bishop Hunter Prayed Henry Moon was mouth I spent the fore noon in the Presidents office
Hearing the Poney Express read the after noon I spent at home I
called at President Youngs. He told me about his first receiving
the gospel, the many fals spirits that surrounded the people so that
I was slow to receive the work at first. I went to the 14 ward &
Preached to the people upon the operation of the spirits, the necessity
of keeping the spirit of God that we may escape the fals spirits that seek
to lead us asstray we had the spirit of the Lord & a good meeting
~ Monday
25. I spent the day in the office the Eastern Mail came in brought
a large we[s]t mail to got 5 tribunes, Agriculturist, 3 speeches from Capt Hooper & 1 Letter from A. Lyman we got News by mail
up to Feb 1st
~ Tuesday
26th The poney arived this morning bringing dates up to the 20. it
was warm & some rain snow leaving fast.
~ Wednesday
27 The ground is covered this morning with a white mantle and
it has been snowing quite Hard. We got the News with an Extra this
morning which showed that Jefferson Davis was Inaugurated as President
of the Southern Confederation At Montgomery Ala. so there is
now two Presidents in the United States
~ Thursday
28. I visited President Heber C. Kimball's school room in
company with R. L. CampbellT. Bullock & President Kimball Arthur Stayner was teacher. He had about 40 scholars 23 of
which were President Kimballs own children. We herd the 1st & 2nd
class read they were doing vary well. I spent the remainder of the
day in the office I made a record of the date of the secession of
the Southern States oin this record Jan 1st 1861
~ Friday
March 1st 1861
This is my birth day, I am 54 years old this day,
time rapidly passes with us all It is a plesant morning, still
some snow upon the ground in the valleyWilford started for Fort Harriman this morning with 9 Head of cattle I visited
the labor on North Temple Street putting the water Ditches
on the side walks & paving them I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
23, 1861
Saturday I spent the day in the Endowment House giving Endowments
I spent the evening at home
~ Sunday
24 I met with my Quorum in the morning. Bishop Hunter Prayed
Henry Moon was mouth I spent the fore noon in the Presidents office
Hearing the Poney Express read the after noon I spent at home I
called at President Youngs. He told me about his first receiving
the gospel, the many fals spirits that surrounded the people so that
I was slow to receive the work at first. I went to the 14 ward &
Preached to the people upon the operation of the spirits, the necessity
of keeping the spirit of God that we may escape the fals spirits that seek
to lead us asstray we had the spirit of the Lord & a good meeting
~ Monday
25. I spent the day in the office the Eastern Mail came in brought
a large west mail to got 5 tribunes, Agriculturist, 3 speeches from
[FIGURE] Capt Hooper & 1 Letter from A. Lyman we got News by mail
up to Feb 1st
~ Tuesday
26th The poney arived this morning bringing dates up to the 20. it
was warm & some rain snow leaving fast.
~ Wednesday
27 The ground is covered this morning with a white mantle and
it has been snowing quite Hard. We got the News with an Extra this
morning which showed that Jefferson Davis was Inaugurated as President
of the Southern Confederation At Montgomery Ala. so there is
now two Presidents in the United States
~ Thursday
28. I visited President Heber C. Kimball's school room in
company with R. L. CampbellT. Bullock & President Kimball
Arthur Stayner was teacher. He had about 40 scholars 23 of
which were President Kimballs own children. We herd the 1st & 2nd
class read they were doing vary well. I spent the remainder of the
day in the office. I made a record of the date of the secession of
the Southern Statesin this record Jan 1st 1861
~ Friday
March 1st 1861
This is my birth day, I am 54 years old this day,
time rapidly passes with us all. It is a plesant morning, still
some snow upon the ground in the valley. Wilford started for
Fort Harriman this morning with 9 Head of cattle I visited
the labor on North Temple Street putting the water Ditches
on the side walks & paving them I spent the day in the office
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 23, 1861 - March 1, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025,