G. Q. Cannon said he was asstonished to come back & see how
cheerful & youthful the people looked & Esspecially the presidency after passing
through so much trouble He said he had herd Numbers say of the world
that there was some overruling providence that had sustained this people
through the war and they could not understand it. W. Woodruff
said Brother Cannon should have seen President Young in the midst of
the excitement when it was expected evry hour that a message would
arive with the tidings from the mountains that the blow was struck & blood
had began to flow then President Young was calm & serene happy
and cheerful the spirit & power of God surrounded him like a
Halo of Glory and it would comfort a mans heart to go into
his presence. Many other remarks were made President
Young Prayed and asked the Lord for evry needful blessing upon
upon the whole Church & kingdom of God in all there families & organiza-
tions He prayed that God would overthrow our Enemies President Kimball
was Mouth at the Altar & had much of the spirit & power of God in
prayer. President Young said in speaking of gat a grand lodge
Esstablished in Utah that if we accomplished it It would have
a tendency to bring down all hell upon us as far as they had the
~ Monday
20th I spent the day Journalizing & compiling
~ Tuesday
Aug 201st I spent the fore part of the day Journalizing the afternoon compiling
History Presidents Young & Kimball called in & heard History read Jan 1845
for some two hours. Brother Cannon was also with us Brother G. A. Smith
said that Brother Woodruff had done more to preserve the History of this
Church than any man on the Earth Brother Kimball said Brother Woodruff
you have been inspiried to write History & keep a Journal
~ Wednesday
22 I spent the forenoon hearing history read to G. A. Smith and the
afternoon Presidents B. Young & H C Kimball was presient from 3 to 1/2 p[as]t
4 oclock one & half hour & herd history read. while speaking of the
destruction by storm in the states President Young said I wish the state
of Missouri would take fire & burn up every thing except that which is
pure & good then we could go back for I want to go putty soon
we dont want to stay here long.
~ Thursday
23 I spent the day in the office compiling History.
~ Friday
24 I Budded some 50 wild plum stock with Mrs Sessions large seedling
plum in the morning I went to the office at 10 oclok & spent the time
G. Q. Cannon said he was asstonished to come back & see how
cheerful & youthful the people looked & Esspecially the presidency after passing
through so much trouble He said he had herd Numbers say of the world
that there was some overruling providence that had sustained this people
through the war and they could not understand it. W. Woodruff
said Brother Cannon should have seen President Young in the midst of
the excitement when it was Expected evry hour that a message would
arive with the tidings from the mountains that the blow was struck & blood
had began to flow then President Young was calm & serene happy
and cheerful the spirit & power of God surrounded him like a
Halo of Glory and it would comfort a mans heart to go into
his presence. Many other remarks were made President
Young Prayed and asked the Lord for evry needful blessing upon
upon the whole Church & kingdom of God in all there families & organizations He prayed that God would overthrow our Enemies President Kimball
was Mouth at the Altar & had much of the spirit & power of God in
prayer. President Young said in speaking of gat a grand lodge
Esstablished in Utah that if we accomplished it It would have
a tendency to bring down all hell upon us as far as they had the
20th I spent the day Journalizing & compiling
Aug 21st. I spent the fore part of the day Journalizing the afternoon compiling
History. Presidents Young & Kimball called in & heard History read Jan 1845
for some two hours. Brother Cannon was also with us Brother G. A. Smith
said that Brother Woodruff had done more to preserve the History of this
Church than any man on the Earth Brother Kimball said Brother Woodruff
you have been inspired to write History & keep a Journal
22 I spent the forenoon hearing history read to G. A. Smith and the
afternoon Presidents B. Young & H C Kimball was presient from 3 to 1/2 past
4 oclock one & half hour & herd history read, while speaking of the
destruction by storm in the states President Young said I wish the state
of Missouri would take fire & burn up every thing except that which is
pure & good then we could go back for I want to go putty soon
we dont want to stay here long.
23 I spent the day in the office compiling History.
24 I Budded some 50 wild plum stock with Mrs Sessions large seedling
plum in the morning I went to the office at 10 oclok & spent the time
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," August 19, 1860 - August 24, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Anpl