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Harold B. Lee Library

Collection Name Deseret News
Collection Description 1867-03-27
Collection Number Deseret News 1867-03-27
Collection Box Volume 16
Collection Folder Number 13
Collection Page 4
Source Link Brigham Young University
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Elder Wilford Woodruff in a few spirited re- marks showed that individuals or a people who are led to obey the commandments of God by seeing miracles, require to be fed with miracles constantly or they will apostatize and forsake the truth. Such has been our whole experience, and so it was with ancient Israel as a people from the time that Moses led them out of Egypt until Jerusalem was taken by the Roman arm- ies and its inhabitants dispersed. Their faith was strong only as the Lord manifested His power visibly in their behalf. They who embrace the gospel for love of the truth, receive the Spir- it of truth and have the testimony abiding with them; they receive a glory in proportion to their faithfulness and righteousness.
~ Wilford Woodruff