Autobiography 1892 Deseret News Notes [A-12]

Document Transcript

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The First Presidency
of the
Church of Jesus Christ
Latter-day Saints

P. O. Box, B. Salt Lake City, Utah. [blank] 189_

Editor Deseret News. ¶ You have asked me
to give my you a page of Hhistory from my jourls ^journals^
for the News. I can barely answer that
request, in the time allotted me to me, in a manner ^manner^
to satisfy my own minded. But it being the ownly
Church paper devoted entirely to the Church I
will ^endeavor to^ give you a few items.

Concerning myself I will say I was
born , ^at [blank] county, Connecticut.^ ^In^ My early Life was ^I worked^
^as^ a farmer & a Mmiller. oOf course my childhood
was ^passed^ under the influence of the remnants of the
Blue Laws of Connecticut. I remember the
day well when ^the^ Baptists & Methodists in Con^necticut^ with
wasere almost as unpopular as Mormons ^are^ to day.
presbyterians & Congregationalists wasere the
ruling ^ only ruling^ religions of New England in my
boy ^child^hood. In attendings the Su^n^day School in my
early Boyhood, under Dr Noah, porter and
learning chaptrs by heart, I saw what Jesus Christ

Page 2

And the Apostls taught. These principles were
so finely imprinted in my mind ^that^ I could never
join any chor^urch,^ [receive] the churches of to ^that^ day
did not Believe in them, untill I heard
Zera Pulsipher, a Mermon^ormon^ Elder preach to me
& my Brother Azmon ^* and a large congregation of neighbors^ in Richland, Oswego Co.,
N^ew^ York, ^before^ with a large congregation of Neighbours,
at the same time on the . On
^hearing^ the first sermon I & my brother Azmon ^were convinced, and we^ went
forth & wasere Baptized on the ,
which will be 59, years ^ago^ the 31^st^ of this month.

^¶^ I went up in Zion's Camp, in the spring
of , to Missouri, to the assistance of our
people who had been driven out of Jackson CO^unty^.
There are but Very few of the ^members of that^ Camp ^are^ still
Living to day. That thousand miles journey with the
prophet Joseph Smith, in 1834, gave ^was to^ me a
school of Experience that I shall never forget
in this world nor the world to come.
While the prophet returned to Kirtland with most
of his company, I rem^ain^ed in Clay County, Moissouri,

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The First Presidency
of the
Church of Jesus Christ
Latter-day Saints

P. O. Box, B. Salt Lake City, Utah. [blank] 189_

untill the , when I left Lyman
, in company with Harry Brown, to go on a
Mission to the Southern States. We passed through
Jackson Co.^unty^ Mo.^issouri^ and through Arkansas, and from
Little Rock to Memphis Memphis, Tennessee. I spent
2 two years in Tennessee & Kentucky. wWhile there
I was ordained to the office of an Elder & a Member
of the 2nd quorum of the seventies under the
Hands of David Patten. I ordained A. O. Smoot
to the office of an Elder in , and he travelled
with me through Kentucky & Tennessee, and
accompanied me to Kirtland in the fall of 1836,
I organized 4 ^four^ Branches of the Church in Tennessee
& Kentucky. In I traveled through ^part of^ Canada,
New York, Mass^achusetts^, Conn^ecticut^, & Maine, ^and^ and ^Fox Island.^ During this mission
I baptized my Father & his household, including
a Methodist Class Leader
I baptized seven
hundred ^persons^ & organized several 5 ^five^ Branches of the
Church one in Farmington & 4 in ^Connecticut,^ Maine ^&^ Fox Island.

Page 4

In , I was ^appointed to^ ordained into the ^first^ Quorom
of Seventies
. In
[rest of page blank]

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L. D. S. Historian's Office,
P. O. BOX 1678.
Salt Lake City, Utah, [blank] 189

[Edward William Tullidge] Great Grandfather, Josiah Woodruff
lived to near 100 years. ^Iron Constitution.^ Wifes name
Sarah. Had nine children—Josiah,
Appleton, Eldad, Elisha, Joseph, Rhoda,
Phebe, and two others.

Grandfather, Eldad Woodruff. Third
son of Josiah. born in Farmington,
Hartford County, Connecticut, in 1751.
Very strong constitution. Over exertion in
hewing timber, caused ^induced^ rheumatism in
right hip, causing lameness for several
years. before death. Married Dinah
, they have by whom he had
seven children,Eldad, Elizabeth,
Samuel, Aphek, Titus, Helen, and
Eldad married Lewey Woodford.
Elizabeth " Amasa Frisby.
Samuel " Miss Case.
Aphek " Beulah Thompson.
" " Azubah Hart.
Titus " Louiz^s^a Allen.
Helen " Amos Wheeler.

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L. D. S. Historian's Office,
P. O. BOX 1678.
Salt Lake City, Utah, [blank] 189

Ozem " Acksah Merrill.
" " Hannah Hart.
all had large families.

Grandfather died in Farmington,
of spotted fever, 1806, being 55 years old.
Grandmother died in 1824, same place,
of cancer in left breast.

Father, Aphek Woodruff born in
Farmington . Married
Beulah Thompson, bor . She
was born in 1782. she bore ^she^ Had
three sons—Azmon, born ; Ozen ^(?)^ Thompson, born ; Wilford born .

Mother died of spotted fever, , 26 years old.

Father's second wife, Azubah Hart,
born . They were
married . Had six
children — Philo, born , died by poison administered by
a physician ; Asahel
, born , died in

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L. D. S. Historian's Office,
P. O. BOX 1678.
Salt Lake City, Utah, [blank] 189

Terre-haute ; Franklin,
born , died ;
Newton, born , drowned
Sept. 1820; Julius, born , died in infancy; Eunice,
born . I married
her to Dwight Webster, in Farmington,
Conn., .

My father at 18 worked in a flouring
& saw mill, and continued about 50 years,
laboring 18 hours a day most of the time.

I baptized him and all his house-
hold into the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter day Saints
He was very honest & very charitable,
freely loaning ^to neighbors,^ or giving to the poor,
always saying yes to those who asked a

I was born in north part of
Farmington, now called Avon, Hartford
county, Conn. . I
worked with my father till 20 years old.
In April 1827 I took the flouring mill of

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L. D. S. Historian's Office,
P. O. BOX 1678.
Salt Lake City, Utah, [blank] 189

my Aunt, Helen Wheeler. In May,
1830, I took charge of the flouring mill
of Mr. Collins, at manufacturer south
, Conn. In March 1831 I took
charge of flouring mill of Richard B Cowles,
New Hartford, Conn. In spring of
1832, with my brother Azmon, I went
to Richland, Oswego County New York,
and purchased a farm & saw mill.

In 1832 I went to Rhode Island
Richland, Oswego County, New York,
where I heard Zerah Pulsipher & Elijah
preach, . o ,
I was baptized by Zerah Pulsipher into the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day

, I was ordained a
Teacher, and my Brother Azmon an

, I with my horses
& wagon and two companions I
started for Kirtland, Ohio, arriving there
, where I became acquainted
with Joseph Smith.

Page 9

L. D. S. Historian's Office,
P. O. BOX 1678.
Salt Lake City, Utah, [blank] 189

. I starte left Kirtland ^on my way^ to go to
Missouri with a company, known as Zion's Camp.

. I was ordained a Priest

. With Harry Brown I
started on a mission into the Southern states
through Arkansas, Tennessee, & Kentucky.

, I was ordained an Elder.

. I was ordained a Seventy.

Returned to Kirtland, .

, set apart as a member
of 1st Quorum of Seventies.

. Married Phebe W.
, daughter of Ezra & Sarah Carter
of Scarborough, Maine.

^started^ went with Jonathan
H. Hale
& Milton Holmes on a
mission to Fox Islands.

May 14, 1838

. Baptized 6 persons
in Farmington River, mostly my relatives,
including my father, stepmother, & my
sister Eunice.


Page 10

daughter born , called Sarah Emma.

Page 11

L. D. S. Historian's Office,
P. O. BOX 321.
Salt Lake City, Utah, [blank] 189

. Letter from T B Marsh,
saying I appointed to Quo. of 12.

, was ordained one
of the 12, on corner stone of Temple
at Far West, BY being mouth.
Geo A. Smith ordained at same time.

, started on mission to
England, though sick and feeble, from
chills & fever.

. With John Taylor,
Theadore Turley, set sail for Liverpool
from N York, on packet ship Oxford, landing

I went to Burslem, Staffordshire
, .

Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, Worcester-
, we baptized 1800.

. Went to London.

sailed from England

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L. D. S. Historian's Office,
P. O. BOX 321.
Salt Lake City, Utah, [blank] 189

on Rochester , arrived in
NY. .

Arrived at Nauvoo .
, Phebe Amelia born.
Engaged in printing office.
, left on mission to
Eastern states, to collect funds for
Temple & Nauvoo House.

back in Nauvoo .

remained in printing office.

went to Eastern
states with ^Ga Smith^ J M Grant, & Ezra Thayer.

Ret[urned] to Nauvoo .

Page 13

Ozem Thompson Woodruff Born
" " " Died
Aged 89 years & 6 days

Married O T Woodruff [written in red ink]

Electa Nelson Born .
" " Died
Aged 69 years

Their Children
[Edward William Tullidge] Eliza Ann Woodruff Born
" " " '
Julius A. Woodruff "
John D. Woodruff "
Altha E. Woodruff "
Almon M. Woodruff "
Harriet E. Woodruff "
Elen M. Woodruff "
John H. Woodruff "
William T. Woodruff " .

Eliza Ann. died
Julius A. di
John D. died
Elen M di

Page 14

Ozem T Woodruff family

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Salt Lake U.T. [blank] 188_
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