in order to carry it out. I do not think
we have done wrong in that. When I
go before my Father in heaven I am
willing to bear my part of the respon-
sibility, because if there is anything on
earth that I was ever moved upon by the
Spirit to do it was to unite in that enter-
prise with my brethren. I believe it is
our duty to manufacture what we use,
as far as we can, at home. We refer to
these temporal things because they are
and always will be connected with us.
I feel to rejoice myself that we are as
well off as we are. There has never
been a period when we have been any
better off than we are today. I look
back to the days when we came here.
We found a barren desert. The man
that led us here was .
He was a prophet, seer and revelator.
He was never destitute of revelation
from the day that I first knew him until
his body was laid in the tomb. He was
a great man—a man of God. We see
the result of his work here. He was
our architect, so to speak. He fulfilled
his mission in a great and wonderful
manner, and when he laid his body
down he went to mingle with his breth-
ren and the Gods.
The Gospel of Christ is true. The
Zion of God is true. We are here in
fulfilment of the revelations and visions
of the ancient patriarchs and prophets.
Read , and the other
prophets, and see what they said. We
came here by the revelations of God.
Many of the brethren felt it hard to
leave our beautiful and to go to
the mountains. Had we not done this,
some of the revelations of God would
have fallen unfulfilled. I say to the
Latter-day Saints, have faith. Let us
have faith in the promises and revela-
tions of God. Do you comprehend
what is manifest in the earth today? The
seeds of destruction are everywhere.
The judgments of God are beginning to
go forth. But who acknowledges the
hand of God in these things? I rejoice
that the cloud of darkness is being lifted
from the eyes of our countrymen in re-
gard to the Latter-day Saints, and that
they are manifesting kindness towards
us. Speaking of our visit East, I con-
fess it was marvelous in my eyes to see
how different these things are today to
what they have been in the past. They
begin to see that the people in the moun
tains of Israel are white men, and that
they have some talent. I thank God
for these things. I thank Him for the
kindness we have received at the hands
of the friends of our nation. My prayer
to God is that His blessings may rest
upon our nation and upon the leaders
thereof, and that the spirit of liberty, of
law, of righteousness and of truth may
rest upon all American citizens and
everybody that dwells under this great
government. It is one of the greatest
governments God ever raised upon the
earth. What has it been raised up for?
That in the midst of it the Lord might
establish His Zion and His work.
Brethren and sisters, let us be true and
faithful to our duties and to our God.
Let us look forward to the exaltation
and the blessings that God has in store
for those who keep His commandments.
Every man will be judged according to
the deeds done in the body. There are
laws celestial, laws terrestrial, and laws
telestial. We speak of the celestial
glory and of the heavenly hosts. Who
are the heavenly hosts? They are those
who have tabernacled on this earth, been
faithful to God, and passed behind the
veil. And they are interested in the
welfare of the inhabitants of the earth.
They are interested in the salvation of
the human family. They have labored
for it in the flesh; they do so today in
the spirit world. These are the people
we look to by faith. We are here upon
a mission. We are trying to fulfil that
mission. I hope we may be true and
faithful to it.
I am thankful before the Lord for the
blessings that I have enjoyed in this con-
ference and for the testimonies I have
heard from these Apostles. They speak
as men having authority, inspired by the
Spirit of God, and they speak the truth.
Many of our friends that have labored
with us have passed away. We our-
selves shall pass away in our time. I
may say that if it had not been for the
prayers of these thousands of Latter-
day Saints, I today should have been
mingling with my brethren in the . I know that I have been preser-
ved by the prayers of my brethren and
sisters, and I am still with you. I feel
very weak, and hardly qualified to mag-
nify my calling as an Apostle, as the
leader of the people of Israel; in fact, no
man is, only as moved upon by the
power of God. What little time I may
stay here I hope my heart will not be set
on the riches of this world, but on doing
the will of God and uniting with my
brethren in bearing off the great work
and responsibility resting upon us. If
we will do this, all will be right. When
we get to the other side of the veil, we
shall know something. We now work
by faith. We have the evidence of
things not seen. The resurrection, the
eternal judgment, the celestial kingdom,
and the great blessings that God has
given in the holy anointings and in the temples, are all for the
future, and they will be fulfilled, for
they are eternal truths. We will never
while in the flesh, with this veil over us,
fully comprehend that which lies before
us in the world to come. It will pay
any man to serve God and to keep His
commandments the few days he lives
upon the earth. With regard to our
position before we came here, I will say
that we dwelt with the Father and with
the Son, as expressed in the hymn, "O
my Father," that has been sung here.
That hymn is a revelation, though it was
given unto us by a woman—Sister .
There are a great many sisters have the
spirit of revelation. There is no reason
why they should not be inspired as well
as men. We dwelt in the presence of
God before we came here, and we have
been sent here upon a mission, and I do
not want to live any longer myself than
I can magnify that calling. What bene-
fit is it to any man to dwell here and to
miss the object for which he was sent,
even eternal life? Therefore, it does
not pay any man to sin. When a man
sins it is because he yields to the enemy,
not because the devil has power over
him irrespective of his agency. The
devil is laboring for the destruction of
the human family. But the Gospel is
sent into the world to save them.
Brethren and sisters, God bless you.
I am glad to meet with you and to have
a little time to speak to you. I hope
and trust we may be true a[n]d faithful to
the end of our days, that we may be
satisfied when we get through with our
work; that our hearts may not be set up-
on anything that perisheth, but that we
may do what we can to build up Zion
and bring forth salvation to mankind as
far as we have the opportunity while we
dwell in the flesh. God bless us and
guide us all i[blank]l our work, for Jesus'
sake. Amen.
in order to carry it out. I do not think
we have done wrong in that. When I
go before my Father in heaven I am
willing to bear my part of the responsibility, because if there is anything on
earth that I was ever moved upon by the
Spirit to do it was to unite in that enterprise with my brethren. I believe it is
our duty to manufacture what we use,
as far as we can, at home. We refer to
these temporal things because they are
and always will be connected with us.
I feel to rejoice myself that we are as
well off as we are. There has never
been a period when we have been any
better off than we are today. I look
back to the days when we came here.
We found a barren desert. The man
that led us here was .
He was a prophet, seer and revelator.
He was never destitute of revelation
from the day that I first knew him until
his body was laid in the tomb. He was
a great man—a man of God. We see
the result of his work here. He was
our architect, so to speak. He fulfilled
his mission in a great and wonderful
manner, and when he laid his body
down he went to mingle with his brethren and the Gods.
The Gospel of Christ is true. The
Zion of God is true. We are here in
fulfilment of the revelations and visions
of the ancient patriarchs and prophets.
Read Isaiah, Jeremiah and the other
prophets, and see what they said. We
came here by the revelations of God.
Many of the brethren felt it hard to
leave our beautiful and to go to
the mountains. Had we not done this,
some of the revelations of God would
have fallen unfulfilled. I say to the
Latter-day Saints, have faith. Let us
have faith in the promises and revelations of God. Do you comprehend
what is manifest in the earth today? The
seeds of destruction are everywhere.
The judgments of God are beginning to
go forth. But who acknowledges the
hand of God in these things? I rejoice
that the cloud of darkness is being lifted
from the eyes of our countrymen in regard to the Latter-day Saints, and that
they are manifesting kindness towards
us. Speaking of our visit East, I confess it was marvelous in my eyes to see
how different these things are today to
what they have been in the past. They
begin to see that the people in the mountains of Israel are white men, and that
they have some talent. I thank God
for these things. I thank Him for the
kindness we have received at the hands
of the friends of our nation. My prayer
to God is that His blessings may rest
upon our nation and upon the leaders
thereof, and that the spirit of liberty, of
law, of righteousness and of truth may
rest upon all American citizens and
everybody that dwells under this great
government. It is one of the greatest
governments God ever raised upon the
earth. What has it been raised up for?
That in the midst of it the Lord might
establish His Zion and His work.
Brethren and sisters, let us be true and
faithful to our duties and to our God.
Let us look forward to the exaltation
and the blessings that God has in store
for those who keep His commandments.
Every man will be judged according to
the deeds done in the body. There are
laws celestial, laws terrestrial, and laws
telestial. We speak of the celestial
glory and of the heavenly hosts. Who
are the heavenly hosts? They are those
who have tabernacled on this earth, been
faithful to God, and passed behind the
veil. And they are interested in the
welfare of the inhabitants of the earth.
They are interested in the salvation of
the human family. They have labored
for it in the flesh; they do so today in
the spirit world. These are the people
we look to by faith. We are here upon
a mission. We are trying to fulfill that
mission. I hope we may be true and
faithful to it.
I am thankful before the Lord for the
blessings that I have enjoyed in this conference and for the testimonies I have
heard from these Apostles. They speak
as men having authority, inspired by the
Spirit of God, and they speak the truth.
Many of our friends that have labored
with us have passed away. We ourselves shall pass away in our time. I
may say that if it had not been for the
prayers of these thousands of Latterday Saints, I today should have been
mingling with my brethren in the spirit
world. I know that I have been preserved by the prayers of my brethren and
sisters, and I am still with you. I feel
very weak, and hardly qualified to magnify my calling as an Apostle, as the
leader of the people of Israel; in fact, no
man is, only as moved upon by the
power of God. What little time I may
stay here I hope my heart will not be set
on the riches of this world, but on doing
the will of God and uniting with my
brethren in bearing off the great work
and responsibility resting upon us. If
we will do this, all will be right. When
we get to the other side of the veil, we
shall know something. We now work
by faith. We have the evidence of
things not seen. The resurrection, the
eternal judgment, the celestial kingdom,
and the great blessings that God has
given in the holy anointings and endowment in the temples, are all for the
future, and they will be fulfilled, for
they are eternal truths. We will never
while in the flesh, with this veil over us,
fully comprehend that which lies before
us in the world to come. It will pay
any man to serve God and to keep His
commandments the few days he lives
upon the earth. With regard to our
position before we came here, I will say
that we dwelt with the Father and with
the Son, as expressed in the hymn, "O
my Father," that has been sung here.
That hymn is a revelation, though it was
given unto us by a woman—Sister .
There are a great many sisters have the
spirit of revelation. There is no reason
why they should not be inspired as well
as men. We dwelt in the presence of
God before we came here, and we have
been sent here upon a mission, and I do
not want to live any longer myself than
I can magnify that calling. What benefit is it to any man to dwell here and to
miss the object for which he was sent,
even eternal life? Therefore, it does
not pay any man to sin. When a man
sins it is because he yields to the enemy,
not because the devil has power over
him irrespective of his agency. The
devil is laboring for the destruction of
the human family. But the Gospel is
sent into the world to save them.
Brethren and sisters, God bless you.
I am glad to meet with you and to have
a little time to speak to you. I hope
and trust we may be true and faithful to t
he end of our days, that we may be
satisfied when we get through with our
work; that our hearts may not be set upon anything that perisheth, but that we
may do what we can to build up Zion
and bring forth salvation to mankind as
far as we have the opportunity while we
dwell in the flesh. God bless us and
guide us all i our work, for Jesus'
sake. Amen