the Priesthood to-day. We have no
right to walk in the dark. The
burden is now resting upon us, and,
holding the Priesthood, our aim
should be building up of the
kingdom of God. We hold the
Priesthood for that purpose, and we
have no business to use it for any-
thing else but to officiate in the
ordinances of the house of God.
Sooner or later we shall have to
obey the law of death. As it is
written, "In all died, so in
Christ shall all be made alive." [1 Corinthians 15:22] We
shall have to pass through the ordeal
—there is no escape from it. We
have, consequently, no time to throw
away. It may be asked, "How
much longer will it be before the
winding up scene takes place? It
is not for me to say. How much
longer have the Elders to suffer
violence at the hands of the wicked?
It appears to me that the world is
about ripe for the judgments of the
Lord, and that the testimony will
soon be sealed. He is already work-
ing with the Lamanites, and he will
accomplish a great deal in a little
Some people entertain the idea
that because wheat is plentiful and
selling at exceedingly low figures,
the probability of a famine is more
remote than ever; but the Lord
makes no mistakes about what is
going to transpire. He has decreed
the visitation of judgments, and they
are certain to take place. President
has for years repeatedly im-
pressed upon the brethren the neces-
sity of preparing for a period of
famine by storing their wheat, and,
before his death, was impressed to
speak to the sisters and urge them
to look after that matter. Let us
be united in our labors, and in all
the branches of industry that males
or females may be engaged in. The
raising of silk may be rendered an
important item in the industry of
this . It is a business that
our wives and children can engage
in, and there is nothing to hinder
the people from becoming rich from
this branch of industry alone. There
is an improvement in the , or Co-operation. The Saints
are preparing themselves for that
event when Jesus shall come as a
thief in the night. For our own
sakes let us do the best we possibly
can. We must observe and keep
the laws of God, in order to inherit
the rewards promised. Let us not
set our hearts on the riches and
vanities of this earth. It is very
convenient, it is true, to have the
comforts of life around us, but we
shall be better without them, if by
hoarding up the riches of the world
we forget the things of God.
I pray God to bless you and our
sons and daughters, that their minds
may be led and prepared for the
work they will be called upon to
the Priesthood today. We have no
right to walk in the dark. The
burden is now resting upon us, and,
holding the Priesthood, our aim
should be building up of the
kingdom of God. We hold the
Priesthood for that purpose, and we
have no business to use it for anything else but to officiate in the
ordinances of the house of God.
Sooner or later we shall have to
obey the law of death. As it is
written, "In all died, so in
Christ shall all be made alive." We
shall have to pass through the ordeal
— there is no escape from it. We
have, consequently, no time to throw
away. It may be asked, "How
much longer will it be before the
winding up scene takes place? It
is not for me to say. How much
longer have the Elders to suffer
violence at the hands of the wicked?
It appears to me that the world is
about ripe for the judgments of the
Lord, and that the testimony will
soon be sealed. He is already working with the Lamanites, and he will
accomplish a great deal in a little
Some people entertain the idea
that because wheat is plentiful and
selling at exceedingly low figures,
the probability of a famine is more
remote than ever; but the Lord
makes no mistakes about what is
going to transpire. He has decreed
the visitation of judgments, and they
are certain to take place. President
has for years repeatedly impressed upon the brethren the necessity of preparing for a period of
famine by storing their wheat, and,
before his death, was impressed to
speak to the sisters and urge them
to look after that matter. Let us
be united in our labors, and in all
the branches of industry that males
or females may be engaged in. The
raising of silk may be rendered an
important item in the industry of
this . It is a business that
our wives and children can engage
in, and there is nothing to hinder
the people from becoming rich from
this branch of industry alone. There
is an improvement in the United
Order, or Co-operation. The Saints
are preparing themselves for that
event when Jesus shall come as a
thief in the night. For our own
sakes let us do the best we possibly
can. We must observe and keep
the laws of God, in order to inherit
the rewards promised. Let us not
set our hearts on the riches and
vanities of this earth. It is very
convenient, it is true, to have the
comforts of life around us, but we
shall be better without them, if by
hoarding up the riches of the world
we forget the things of God.
I pray God to bless you and our
sons and daughters, that their minds
may be led and prepared for the
work they will be called upon to