Ten members were confirmed and seven children blessed under
the hands of Elders Woodruff and . Elder
was appointed to represent the conference at the
General Conference at and ordered that the clerk
present to the Presiding Elders for safe keeping and also to the General
Conference a copy of the minutes of this. Upon motion of
President the conference was adjourned until
the 13th of September of the same year.
After the close of the conference the Elders and
other officers present met in council and arranged that a weekly
council of the Priesthood should be held alternately on the
South and North sides of the to commence at
on the 26th of June and organized the same by appointing
Elder Daniel Browett President and clerk of these
weekly councils of Priesthood on the South side. The
North side was ^also^ organized by the appointment of Elder
President and John Smith clerk: the
first council to assemble on the 9th of the next July at
. After other business of a minor nature the
council adjourned and it is worthy of remark that there had
not been that day either in conference or council a dissenting
June 15th we walked to and
I continued to and preached and then returned to
Dymock and the next day went to and
preached at the house of the of Elder
when three were baptized by Elder Green, and by Elder
Richards and myself confirmed eleven and ordained two
The following day I baptized six and
Willard Richards confirmed them after which we walked
to and preached at the house of and
baptized and confirmed four. This day we baptized 10
and confirmed them blessed four children and
upon and healed seven who were sick
The day after I baptized five which
we then confirmed. We also ordained
to the office of Priest blessed 6 children administered
Ten members were confirmed and seven children blessed under
the hands of Elders Woodruff and . Elder
was appointed to represent the Conference at the
General Conference at and it was ordered that they clerk
present to the Presiding Elders for safe keeping and also to the General
Conference a copy of the minutes of this. Upon motion of
President the Conference was adjourned until
the 13th of September of the same year.
After the close of the Conference the Elders and
other officers present met in Council and arranged that a weekly
council of the Priesthood should be held alternately on the
south and North sides of the to commence at
on the 26th of June and organized the same by appointing
Elder Daniel Browett President and clerk of these
weekly councils of Priesthood on the south side. The
North side was also organized by the appointment of Elder
President and John Smith clerk: the
first council to assemble on the 9th of the next July at
. After other business of a minor nature the
council adjourned and it is worthy of remark that there had
not been that day either in Conference or Council a dissenting
June 15th we walked to and
I continued to and preached and then returned to
Dymock and the next day went to and
preached at the house of the of Elder
when three were baptized by Elder Green, and Elder
Richards and myself confirmed eleven ordained two
Priets and blessed three children
The following day I baptized six and
Willard Richards confirmed them after which we walked
to and preached at the house of and
baptized and confirmed four. This day we baptized 10
one of whom was a preacher and confirmed them blessed four children and laid hands
upon and healed seven who were sick
The day after I baptized five which
we then confirmed. We also ordained
to the office of Priest blessed 6 children administered