we passed brother Thomas by the wayside mending his wagon
that had broken down. Brother Townsend was quite sick.
I had not passed this afflicted company but a few
miles before I was called to stop my horses for the purpose to
all appearence to allow my wife—my companion to breathe her
last and resign her spirit into the hands of the God who
gave it. I stoped the wagon in the street where to
those around it seemed that her death couch stood. But
while two of our sisters were standing by her side to
witness the scene of her last moments the Lord was very
merciful for notwithstanding that it seemed that breath
had left her body and her spirit departed she revived
again. I then drove the horses a few rods further and
put up at an Inn in Eaton
Here I stayed the night taking care of Phebe
and the babe. Earnestly did I pray the Lord to
spare the life of my wife.
The next day was Sunday
It was absolutely necessary to discontinue our journey and
I concluded that for awhile we would tarry until Phebe had
recovered her health in some degree or departed this life
This settled and the next part was to
remove from the In for our circumstance would not permit
our remaining there. I therefore carried her into the wagon
and drove two miles to the house of Mr McKenzie
and put up not knowing how long we should have to
tarry for Phebe felt as though she only had a breath
of life remaining.
During the day brother Thomas and his
little afflicted company passed us again. The child
whom I have already mentioned who died on the road
was a daughter of brother Thomas. Elder Townsend
who was travelling with him was now also sick.
After getting my wife and things into the
house and my horse put out I devoted myself to the taking
care of my wife.
In the evening she called me to her bedside
and said that she felt as though a few moments more
would end her existence in this life
we passed brother Thomas by the wayside mending his wagon
that had broken down. Brother Townsend was quite sick.
I had not passed this afflicted company but a few
miles before I was called to stop my horses for the purpose to
all appearence to allow my wife—my companion to breathe her
last and resign her spirit into the hands of the God who
gave it. I stoped the wagon in the street where to
those around it seemed that her death couch stood But
while two of our sisters were standing by her side to
witness the scene of her last moments the Lord was very
merciful for notwithstanding that it seemed that breath
had left her body and her spirit departed she revived
again. I then drove the horses a few rods further and
put up at an Inn in Eaton.
Here I stayed the night taking care of Phebe
and the babe. Earnestly did I pray the Lord to
spare the life of my wife.
The next day was Sunday December 2nd
It was absolutely necessary to discontinue our journey and
I concluded that for awhile we would tarry until Phebe had
recovered her health in some degree or departed this life
This settled and the next part was to
remove from the In for our circumstane would not permit
our remaining there. I therefore carried her into the wagon
and drove two miles to the house of Mr Mc. Kinzie
and put up not knowing how long we should have to
tarry for Phebe felt as though she only had a breath
of life remaining.
During the day brother Thomas and his
little afflicted company passed us again. The child
whom I have already mentioned who died on the road
was a daughter of brother Thomas. Elder Townsend
who was travelling with him was now also sick.
After getting my wife and things into the
house and my horse put out I devoted myself to the taking
care of my wife.
In the evening she called me to her bedside
and said that she felt as though a few moments more
would end her existence in this life
Select a date to see more documents from that day.