since the General Conference there had been baptized 250 in this region
The churches here now numbered 800 members. I no longer continued
myself to baptize but called the local and traveling ministry under
my direction to administer the ordinance of baptism while and myself devoted ourselves to preaching the gospel
holding councils comfirming members healing the sick and blessing
and building up the . We were looking every day at this
date for Elder .
As soon as brother Heber arrived it was our
purpose to take our leave of the Saints in this region and
go with him to
The city of on a mission
to warn the inhabitants thereof and preach to them the
On the 5th of this month I wrote a letter to the
Millennial Star and on the next day I sealed up a package
of 42 letters and my Journal from to to send
to my by Elder . It contained all my correspondence
since the 8th of August 18239. Enclosed also was No 1 and 3 of
the .
It was one year on the 8th since I left
Montrose and parted from my family to take a mission
to England and my history will show how the Twelve started
under afflictions and pain how fever and ague followed us
on our journey and it will show how also the Providence
of God afterwards was manifest and how wonderfully we
had been blessed in the British Mission
August the 11th Elder Turley started for
to prepare a ship for about 80 Saints to emigrate
and the fact that the man at whose ^house^ I first planted the
seeds of the work in this part of the Lord's vineyard now
gathered at his own expence 40 of this 80 bound for the gathering
place of the Saints. He gave one hundred pounds to
Elder Turley to pay the deposit money and secure the passage
of those who were to go through his benevolence. From
my soul I said "Let the blessing of Almighty God
rest upon brother for ever" We took
the parting hand of Brother and Sister and the
since the General Conference there had been baptized 250 in this region
The churches here now numbered 800 members. I no longer continued
myself to baptize but called the local and traveling ministry under
my direction to administer the ordinance of baptism while and myself devoted ourselves to preaching the gospel
holding councils comfirming members healing the sick and blessing
and building up the Saints. We were looking every day at this
date for Elder .
As soon as brother Heber arrived it was our
purpose to take our leave of the Saints in this region and
go with him to
The City of on a mission
to warn the inhabitants thereof and preach to them the
On the 5th of this month I wrote a letter to the
Millennial Star and on the next day I sealed up a package
of 42 letters and my Journal from to to send
to my by Elder . It contained all my correspondence
since the 8th of August 1839. Enclosed also was No 1 and 3 of
the Millennial Star.
It was one year on the 8th since I left
Montrose and parted from my family to take a mission
to England and my history will show how the Twelve started
under afflictions and pain how fever and ague followed us
on our journey and it will show how also the Providence
of God afterwards was manifest and how wonderfully we
had been blessed in the British Mission
August the 11th Elder Turley started for
to prepare a ship for about 80 Saints to emigrate
and the fact that the man at whose house I first planted the
seeds of the work in this part of the Lord's vineyard now
gathered at his own expense 40 of this 80 bound for the gathering
place of the Saints. He gave one hundred pounds to
Elder Turley to pay the deposit money and secure the passage
of those who were to go through his benevolence. From
my soul I said "Let the blessing of Almighty God
rest upon brother for ever" We took
the parting hand of Brother and Sister and the