and among other remarks he said that his mind was made
up and that neither the remarks of brother nor of
had altered it. As for himself he would not sit upon the
case another day. He considered it an insult upon his
office and calling as an Apostle of Jesus Christ and he
would not bear it. As for the rest of the Twelve they
might do as they pleased; for himself he would not do
so. had despised and rejected the
counsel of the Presidency and the Twelve and had said
they had no jurisdiction over him in
and power to say where he sho^uld^ go &c. But he and
others will find that there is power in the Twelve.
We know from whom we have received our power
and who are our benefactors and we are thankful
for it. Benjamin Winchester has never for the
first time received our counsel but has gone contrary
to it. No one is safe in his hands. He calls
Hyrum an old granny and slanders everybody.
He says there is contradiction between Hyrum and
the Twelve. There is no contradiction between
us and Hyrum, is there brother Hyrum. (He
answered, "No.")
After closed Joseph said
he would give us a little counsel if we saw fit to
take it. He thought it proper for us to silence
Elder Winchester take his license and have him
come to with his family and if he would
not do so then let him go out of the Church
A vote was then taken to that effect.
Brother Joseph addressed the Twelve and said
"In all your councils and especially on you should
observe all pertaining to the subject and discern the
spirit by which either party is governed. We should
be in a situation to understand every spirit and
judge righteous judgement and should not let the council
be imposed upon by an unruly conduct
"The Saints need not think because
I am familiar with them and am playful and cheerful
and among other remarks said that his mind was made
up and that the remarks of brother
had altered it. As for himself he would not sit upon the
case another day. He considered it an insult upon his
office and calling as an Apostle of Jesus Christ and he
would not bear it. As for the rest of the Twelve they
might do as they pleased; for himself he would not do
so. had despised and rejected the
counsel of the Presidency and the Twelve and had said
they had no jurisdiction over him in
and power to say where he should go &c. But he and
others will find that there is power in the Twelve.
We know from whom we have received our power
and who are our benefactors and we are thankful
for it. Benjamin Winchester has never for the
first time received our counsel but has gone contrary
to it. No one is safe in his hands. He calls
Hyrum an old granny and slanders everybody.
He says there is contradiction between Hyrum and
the Twelve. There is no contradiction between
us and Hyrum, is there brother Hyrum. (He
answered, "No.")
After Brigham closed Joseph said
he would give us a little counsel if we saw fit to
take it. He thought it proper for us to silence
Elder Winchester take his license and have him
come to with his family and if he would
not do so then let him go out of the Church
A vote was then taken to that effect.
Brother Joseph addressed the Twelve and said
"In all your councils and especially on trial you should
observe all pertaining to the subject and discern the
spirit by which either party is governed. We should
be in a situation to understand every spirit and
judge righteous judgement and should not let the council
be imposed upon by an unruly conduct
"The Saints need not think because
I am familiar with them and am playful and cheerful