would not. I have made sacrifices a great many
times. The Lord has promised a hundred fold and
I have taken this course to get rich—to give all
I had, and God has given me many blessings in
consequence. If I have been too bold in asking then
be you too bold in giving. Give your all and
God will repay as much again."
In the afternoon took up
the subject of the morning. He said they not only
wanted the gold and the silver but we want you
and your wives and children and all you have
He then spoke of the policy of in
and closed by saying
"Does the Saints here in
know they are identified with the laying of the foundation
of a great and mighty work that is to enclude
all the great and glorious purposes of God which
are to be fulfilled in the last dispensation and
fulness of times. And I prophesy in the
name of the Lord that whether the Boston Saints
or who may stand for it or rise against it
that almost numberless millions will celebrate
that day when the foundation of this work
was laid."
Elder followed
upon the subject of what ^seems^ to the people but small
things in the revelations of God in variosus ages
but showed their great importance in the issue
and instanced the building the ark &c. He
also took up the gathering and treated the meeting
to a spice of common ^sense^ versus the mysteries and
concluded with an illustrative anecdote of how
Elder was sent for by a certain people
and brought forty miles to preach the mysteries
and the amusing sequel of how he read them
a lesson of practical religion
would not. I have made sacrifices a great many
times. The Lord has promised a hundred fold and
I have taken this course to get rich — to give all
I had and God has given me many blessings in
consequence. If I have been too bold in asking them
be you too bold in giving. Give your all and
God will repay as much again."
In the afternoon took up
the subject of the morning. He said they not only
wanted the gold and the silver but we thank you
and your wives and children and all you have
He then spoke of the policy of in
and closed by saying
"Does the Saints here in
know they are identified with the laying of the foundation
of a great and mighty work that is to enclude
all the great and glorious purposes of God which
are to be fulfilled in the last dispensation and
fulness of times. And I prophesy in the
name of the Lord that whether the Boston Saints
or who may stand for it or rise against it
that almost numberless millions will celebrate
that day when the foundation of this work
was laid."
Elder followed
upon the subject of what seems to the people but small
things in the revelations of God in variouss ages
but showed their great importance in the issue
and instanced the building the ark &c. He
also took up the gathering and treated the meeting
to a spice of common sense versus the mysteries and
concluded with an illustrative anecdote of how
Elder was sent for by a certain people
and brought forty miles to preach the mysteries
and the amusing sequel of how he read them
a lesson of practical religion