angels on high and brought down the power which rested mightily upon us
After being in the upper room about two hours we again joined
the congregation of the Saints in the lower lcourt and the house came to order
for the business of the day. The veils were closed and each appartment commenced
the service of the endowment.
The washing of the feet of the anointed was the first business
that was attended to in which the Twelve assisted the Presidency. Heber C. Kimble attended to the washing of my feet and prophesied upon
my head pronouncing me clean from the blood of this generation like
as it was with the disciples when Jesus washed their feet.
When the ordinance of the washing of feet was ended the
veils were roled which brought the congregation into one assembly but
the stands of the Priesthood was still covered with veils and the Presidency
was in the lower stand.
The Prophet Joseph then arose and addressed the
congregation for the space of three hours, clothed with the powerspirit
and image of God. He presented many things of vast importance
to the Elders of Israel. O that the record could be written as with
an iron pen of the Eight principles and virtue that came forth
out of the mouth and heart of the Prophet Joseph whose miss[ion]soul
like Enoch's seems wide as eternity. That showed strikingly
that he is in very deed and a Prophet of God raised up for the
deliverence of Israel
He desired us to give heed to his words and
teachings and be wise that Zion and her stakes might be
redeemed. He also presented us in some degree with the plot
of the city of Kirtland which is the strong hold of the daughter of
Zion. The plan which he presented was given to him by
vision and the future will prove that the visions of Joseph concerning Jackson County all the various Stakes of Zion and of the redemption
of Israel will be fulfilled in the time appointed of the Lord.
The Twelve were then called upon to break bread
for the multitude as Jesus did in the days of this Apostles when the
multitude followed him. [Matthew 14:19-20] This was done and the congregation was
satisfied and we were made glad while feasting with Patriarchs Prophets
Apostles Evangelists Pastors and Teachers. [Ephesians 4:11]
The feast ended thanks were returned to God with up-
lifted hands to heaven. And this being at about the setting of the
angels on high and brought down the power which rested mightily upon us
After being in the upper room about two hours we again joined
the congregation of the Saints in the lowercourt and the house came to order
for the business of the day. The veils were closed and each appartment commenced
the service of the endowment.
The washing of the feet of the anointed was the first business
that was attended to in which the Twelve assisted the Presidency.
Heber C. Kimble attended to the washing of my feet and prophesied upon
my head pronouncing me clean from the blood of this generation like
as it was with the disciples when Jesus washed their feet.
When the ordinance of the washing of feet was ended the
veils were roled which brought the congregation into one assembly but
the stands of the Priesthood was still covered with veils and the Presidency
was in the lower stand.
The Prophet Joseph then arose and addressed the
congregation for the space of three hours, clothed with the powerspirit
and image of God. He presented many things of vast importance
to the Elders of Israel. O that the record could be written as with
an iron pen of the Eight principles and virtue that came forth
out of the mouth and heart of the Prophet Joseph whosesoul
like Enoch's seems wide as eternity. That showed strikingly
that he is in very deed and a Prophet of God raised up for the
deliverence of Israel
He desired us to give heed to his words and
teachings and be wise that Zion and her stakes might be
redeemed. He also presented us in some degree with the plot
of the city of Kirtland which is the strong hold of the daughter of
Zion. The plan which he presented was given to him by
vision and the future will prove that the visions of Joseph concerning
Jackson County all the various Stakes of Zion and of the redemption
of Israel will be fulfilled in the time appointed of the Lord.
The Twelve were then called upon to break bread
for the multitude as Jesus did in the days ofhis Apostles when the
multitude followed him. Matthew 14:19-20 This was done and the congregation was
satisfied and we were made glad while feasting with Patriarchs Prophets
Apostles Evangelists Pastors and Teachers. Ephesians 4:11
The feast ended thanks were returned to God with uplifted hands to heaven. And this being at about the setting of the