but Elder arose up in the power of the and
in the name of the Great God and according to the laws of
the land commanded order. Two of the brethren
went to the door to keep peace one of whom was Elder
They were enabled to overcome the enemy and restore order
We administerd the Lord's supper and confirmed five.
We also ordained four Priests—namely,
and :
also one Teacher—.
A Feast Day With the .
The 10th of May was an interesting day to me and
and my brethren who had come on the Lord's business from
our native land to establish the first mission of the
Church in the nations of . It had been a custom
of the United Brethren to hold
But they were now members of the Church of Latter
Day Saints and had received the fulness of the Gospel
and as such they continued their old custom by brotherhood
Accordingly Brother formerly the presiding
minister and Superintendent of the Church of United
Brethren and now their Presiding Elder as a part of the
Church of Latter-day Saints on this day once more prepared
a temporal feast for his flock.
The day began to us propi[tious]
At five o clock in the morning I met some friends at
Mr at and baptized three persons,
two of whom were Churchmen and the other a Wesleyan
From thence we walked to
Elder Kington baptized seven
and Elders Brigham Young and Willard Richards
confirmed them. In a few minutes I baptized five
more who were confirmed as they came out of the water
We then returned to brother Kingtons and as we were
on the road we met another person, a woman who
also desired to be baptized. Elder Kington baptized
but Elder arose in the power of the Priesthood and
in the name of the great God and according to the laws of
the land commanded order. Two of the brethren
went to the door to keep peace one of whom was Elder
They were enabled to overcome the enemy and restore order
We administerd the Lord's supper and confirmed five.
We also ordained four Priests—namely,
and :
also one Teacher—.
A Feast Day With the Saints.
The 10th of May was an interesting day to me and
and my brethren who had come on the Lord's business from
our native land to establish the first forein mission of the
Church in the nations of Europe. It had been a custom
of the United Brethren to hold the meeting.
But they were now members of the Church of Latter
Day Saints and had received the fulness of the Gospel
and as such they continued their old custom by brotherhood
Accordingly Brother formerly the presiding
minister and Superintendent of the Church of United
Brethren and now their Presiding Elder as a part of the
Church of Latter-day Saints on this day once more prepared
a temporal feast for his flock.
The day began to us propitious
At five o clock in the morning I met some friends at
Mr at and baptized three persons,
two of whom were Churchmen and the other a Wesleyan
from thence we walked to
Elder Kington baptized seven
and Elders Brigham Young and Willard Richards
confirmed them. In a few minutes I baptized five
more who were confirmed as they came out of the water
We then returned to brother Kingtons and as we were
on the road we met another person, a woman who
also desired to be baptized. Elder Kington baptized