her. The began to gather at 2 o'clock and by 5 p.m.
we had nearly one hundred Saints together to the feast prepared
for them. We had indeed that day a most interesting
and spiritual time as well as our social communion
in temporal things. Elder first addressed
the Saints and was clothed with the Spirit and . He then asked a blessing upon the food so
bountifully prepared. We then sat down to the table
and eat and drank with nearly one hundred Saints
who possessed glad hearts and cheerful countenances
Elder remarked that he did not beleive that
there had ever been such a company of Saints prepared
in so short a time and who bid fairer for the
Kingdom of Heaven than the company then assembled
at least since the Church of Latter-Day Saints was
first organized.
A Church of Four Hundred
Raised up By Me
In Two Months & a Half
I trurly felt grateful to my Heavenly Father when
I reflected back upon the time when I first proclamed
the fulness of the Gospel in this region and began
to baptize such as received my testimony. Only two
months and a half a go since I came into the
field of labour and now there was a Church raised of nearly
four hundred souls and the prospect of the work constantly
After our feasting was over the
house was called to order by Elder Brigham who then
delivered a short address after which three were confirmed
by myself and Elder Willard Richards. The were also
ordained to the office of Elder and to
the office of Priest
and .
her. The Saints began to gather at 2 o'clock and by 5 p.m.
we had nearly one hundred Saints together to the feast prepared
for them. We had indeed that day a most interesting
and spiritual time as well as social communion
in temporal things. Elder first addressed
the Saints and was clothed with the Spirit and power of
God. He then asked a blessing upon the food so
bountifully prepared. We then sat down to the table
and eat and drank with nearly one hundred Saints
who possessed glad hearts and cheerful countenances
Elder remarked that he did not beleive that
there had ever been such a company of Saints prepared
in so short a time and who bid fairer for the
Kingdom of Heaven then the company then assembled
at least since the Church of Latter-Day Saints was
first organized.
A Church of Four Hundred
Raised up By Me
In Two Months & a Half
I trurly felt grateful to my Heavenly Father when
I reflected back upon the time when I first proclamed
the fulness of the Gospel in this region, and began
to baptize such as received my testimony. Only two
months and a half a go since I came into the
field of labour and now there was a Church raised up of nearly
four hundred souls and the prospect of the work constantly
After our feasting was over the
house was called to order by Elder Brigham Young who then
delivered a short address after which three were confirmed
by myself and Elder Willard Richards. There were also
ordained to the office of Elder and to
the office of Priest
and .