After fulfiling the above appointment Elder Meeks Priest Turpin and
myself repared to a room to attend to our first washing. After clensing
our bodies from head to foot with soap and water we then washed ourselves
in clean water and afterwards with perfumed spirits. The evening was
spent with several Elders in prayer before God and his power rested
copiously upon us.
The next I met at the house of Elder Hales at one o'clock
in the afternoon in company of twenty-three Elders for the purpose of
attending to the ordinance of washing. President Joseph Young who was of
the number opened the meeting by prayer and we then proceeded with
the ordinance. Myself and Elder G. W. Meeks were the first washed
under the hands of President Joseph Young and we then assisted him
in washing our brethren the Elders. Much of the Holy Spirit rested
upon us.
At early candle light we again met together in the
quorum of Seventies at the upper part of the Lord's house to receive
our anointing. The quorums of the Priests Teachers and Deacons
occupied one appartment the Elders another and the Seventies a third
Each quorum met for their anointing
Three of the Presidents met with the Seventies—namely
Joseph Young H. Aldrich and Z. Colultrin. After the meeting
was opened by prayer those who were to be anointed were suitably
addressed and then the Presidency proceeded to the ordinance by
first consecrating the oil. The person then presented for the
anointing took a seat and the Presidency laid their hands upon
his head and pronounced such blessings upon him as the testimony
of Jesus directed. We had truly a glorious season in this solemn
ordinance of the house of God. There were fifteen anointed in
our quorum. President Coultrin anointed me and pronounced
upon my head great blessings which were sealed upon my head in
the name of Jesus Christ by a loud Amen from all present
The meeting closed about 10 o'clock p.m. when I went
into the lower court of the House of the Lord with Elders Joseph B.
Nobles and G. W. Meeks to spend the night in prayer and fasting
before God. Part of the night we had a severe trial of our faith
by temptation from Satan but before day we obtained a good degree
of victory over him and the Lord poured out his spirit upon us
and we felt it good to be in the House of our God when nature
was hushed in silence and the shades of night covered the earth
In the morning we returned to our homes intending to spend the
After fulfiling the above appointment Elder Meeks Priest Turpin and
myself repared to a room to attend to our first washing. After clensing
our bodies from head to foot with soap and water we then washed ourselves
in clean water and afterwards with perfumed spirits. The evening was
spent with several Elders in prayer before God and his power rested
copiously upon us.
The next I met at the house of Elder Hales at one o'clock
in the afternoon in company of twenty-three Elders for the purpose of
attending to the ordinance of washing. President Joseph Young who was of
the number opened the meeting by prayer and we then proceeded with
the ordinance. Myself and Elder G. W. Meeks were the first washed
under the hands of President Joseph Young and we then assisted him
in washing our brethren the Elders. Much of the Holy Spirit rested
upon us.
At early candle light we again met together in the
quorum of Seventies at the upper part of the Lord's house to receive
our anointing. The quorums of the Priests Teachers and Deacons
occupied one appartment the Elders another and the Seventies a third
Each quorum met for their anointing
Three of the Presidents met with the Seventies—namely
Joseph Young H. Aldrich and Z. Coultrin. After the meeting
was opened by prayer those who were to be anointed were suitably
addressed and then the Presidency proceeded to the ordinance by
first consecrating the oil. The person then presented for the
anointing took a seat and the Presidency laid their hands upon
his head and pronounced such blessings upon him as the testimony
of Jesus directed. We had truly a glorious season in this solemn
ordinance of the house of God. There were fifteen anointed in
our quorum. President Coultrin anointed me and pronounced
upon my head great blessings which were sealed upon my head in
the name of Jesus Christ by a loud Amen from all present
The meeting closed about 10 o'clock p.m. when I went
into the lower court of the House of the Lord with Elders Joseph B.
Nobles and G. W. Meeks to spend the night in prayer and fasting
before God. Part of the night we had a severe trial of our faith
by temptation from Satan but before day we obtained a good degree
of victory over him and the Lord poured out his spirit upon us
and we felt it good to be in the House of our God when nature
was hushed in silence and the shades of night covered the earth
In the morning we returned to our homes intending to spend the
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