wife of Elder P. P. Pratt one of the Twelve Apostles. Sister Pratt died
March 25 1837.
On , the following day I signed fifty dollars for
the building of the House of the Lord in Zion. The subscription list
was in the hands of Elder Elisha H. Groves
of Several subsequent days I spent in perusing the outlines
of ancient and modern history by the Rev. Royal Robbins. The
reflective mind is struck with deep sensibility in viewing the
rise & progress, and decline and fall of the nations and Kingdoms
of the earth since the days of Adam. And it is equally important
and interesting to contemplate the day that has already begun
in fulfilment of ancient prophecy when Israel shall be restored
the Kingdom of God established upon the earth and the
covenants made by the Lord unto AbrahamIsaac and Jacob
realized by their seed. As I read this book and reflected upon
those things I sensibily felt my calling from the Lord as
his servant to act my part in the fulfilment of his work
and now as one of the first Seventies of Israel to become a
special witness of Jesus Christ to the nations
brought the day for the preparations
to be made for the solemn assembly and the anointing and
endowment of the Elders of Israel. Those were now to receive
their endowments who had not received them in the Spring of
1836 and as I was absent at that time it fell to my lot to
receive this blessing with those who were to pass through the Temple for endowment at this time.
I shall record the events of each day of the endowment
for the benefit of the generations to come.
On this 3rd day of April I met in the house of the
Lord with a number of the Seventies to received counselcil respecting
our washings and anointings. I was appointed with Elder G. Meeks to visit President F. G. Williams and have the perfumes
and oil prepared for the day following that we the Elders of Israel
might become the anointed ones of the Lord according to the
revelations of Jesus Christ and as sung by the poet:
"We'll wash and be washed and with oil be anointed
"Withal not omitting the washing of feet
"For he that receiveth his penny appointed
"Must surely be clean at the harvest of wheat."
wife of Elder P. P. Pratt one of the Twelve Apostles. Sister Pratt died
March 25 1837.
On , the following day I signed fifty dollars for
the building of the House of the Lord in Zion. The subscription list
was in the hands of Elder Elisha H. Groves
Several subsequent days I spent in perusing the outlines
of ancient and modern history by the Rev. Royal Robbins. The
reflective mind is struck with deep sensibility in viewing the
rise & progress, and decline and fall of the nations and Kingdoms
of the earth since the days of Adam. And it is equally important
and interesting to contemplate the day that has already begun
in fulfilment of ancient prophecy when Israel shall be restored
the Kingdom of God established upon the earth and the
covenants made by the Lord unto AbrahamIsaac and Jacob
realized by their seed. As I read this book and reflected upon
those things I sensibily felt my calling from the Lord as
his servant to act my part in the fulfilment of his work
and now as one of the first Seventies of Israel to become a
special witness of Jesus Christ to the nations
brought the day for the preparations
to be made for the solemn assembly and the anointing and
endowment of the Elders of Israel. Those were now to receive
their endowments who had not received them in the Spring of
1836 and as I was absent at that time it fell to my lot to
receive this blessing with those who were to pass through the
Temple for endowment at this time.
I shall record the events of each day of the endowment
for the benefit of the generations to come.
On this 3rd day of April I met in the house of the
Lord with a number of the Seventies to received council respecting
our washings and anointings. I was appointed with Elder
G. Meeks to visit President F. G. Williams and have the perfumes
and oil prepared for the day following that we the Elders of Israel
might become the anointed ones of the Lord according to the
revelations of Jesus Christ and as sung by the poet:
"We'll wash and be washed and with oil be anointed
"Withal not omitting the washing of feet
"For he that receiveth his penny appointed
"Must surely be clean at the harvest of wheat."