we just escaped a smash up at last. We finally got
launched into the water again with no bones broken or
lives lost. In conversing to ^with^ the mate in the evening
upon the subject of our passage across the mountains
he remarked we were not sensible of one half
the danger we had passed during the day but for
one I was sensible of a great deal at least
Two days after this we arrived
at Pittsburg and I immediately engaged passage
for myself and freight of paper to St Louis started
the same day and met Elder Erastus Snow at Bever with a company of 50 Saints bound for Nauvoo
Next day they took passage on the North Bend
and on the Alps
Passing over farther intermediates
of my journey I arrived in St Louis re-shipped
my freight and reached Nauvoo on the and never felt anyone more thankful
to tread its soil again than myself.
The week after my arrival home
I spent in looking after my affairs and found them
in a bad condition. My house which I commenced
before I left and expected to find reared and with
its roof on I found built only a few feet from
the ground
On the I attended Council
with the Twelve and was appointed with John Taylor Parley P. Pratt and Brigham Young as a committee
to raise five hundred dollars to purchase paper
to print the Book of Doctrine and Covenants.
we just escaped a smash up at last. We finally got
launched into the water again with no bones broken or
lives lost. In conversing with the mate in the evening
upon the subject of our passage across the mountains
he remarked we were not sensible of one half
the danger we had passed during the day but for
one I was sensible of a great deal at least
Two days after this we arrived
at Pittsburg and I immediately engaged passage
for myself and freight of paper to St Louis started
the same day and met Elder Erastus Snow at
Bever with a company of 50 Saints bound for Nauvoo
Next day they took passage on the North Bend
and on the Alps
Passing over farther intermediates
of my journey I arrived in St Louis re-shipped
my freight and reached Nauvoo on the 4th of
November and never felt anyone more thankful
to tread its soil again than myself.
The week after my arrival home
I spent in looking after my affairs and found them
in a bad condition. My house which I commenced
before I left and expected to find reared and with
its roof on I found built only a few feet from
the ground
On the 7th I attended Council
with the Twelve and was appointed with John TaylorParley P. Pratt and Brigham Young as a committee
to raise five hundred dollars to purchase paper
to print the Book of Doctrine and Covenants.