In the High Council on the case of Harrison Sagers
for improper conduct offered to a female Joseph in an address
said "The Church has not received any license from him
to commit adultery fornication or any such thing but to
the contrary. If any man commits adultery he cannot
receive the celestial Kingdom of God. Even if he is saved
in any Kingdom it could not be in the celestial Kingdom."
He said he thought the many who had
been made examples such as John C. Bennet and others
was sufficient to show the heineous fallacy of such conduct
He condemned it in unqualified terms and warned those
present against such evil or they would surely bring a
curse upon the heads of the guilty.
Joseph afterwards met with the Twelve
and he informed us that General Fryeson was in town and
wished an interview with us. He had come for the
purpose of getting a memorial in our behalf written to Congress
On the Sabbath morning
P. P. Pratt Orson Hyde Wilford Woodruff and O Spencer
received their anointings preparatory to farther endowment
On the a messenger arrived
from St Louis informing us that the Governor of Missouri
had issued another writ for Joseph and that he was about
to make a demand for him of the governor of Illionis
Joseph had just made a touching appeal
to the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont for assistance
in obtaining redress of his wrongs in the persecutions
of Missouri. We published it in pamplet form and
In the High Council on the case of Harrison Sagers
for improper conduct offered to a female Joseph in an address
said "the Church has not received any license from him
to commit adultery fornication or any such thing but to
the contrary. If any man commits adultery he cannot
receive the celestial Kingdom of God. Even if he is saved
in any Kingdom it could not be in the Celestial Kingdom."
He said he thought the many who had
been made examples such as John C. Bennet and others
was sufficient to show the heineous fallacy of such conduct
He condemned it in unqualified terms and warned those
present against such evils or they would surely bring a
curse upon the heads of the guilty.
Joseph afterwards met with the Twelve
and he informed us that General Fryeson was in town and
wished an interview with us. He had come for the
purpose of getting a memorial on our belief written to Congress
Joseph and Hyrum Smith with the quorum of the Twelve
sat in Council with the General and there were read
to him the affidavits of Hyrum Smith Brigham YoungParley P. PrattLyman WightGeorge W. Pitkin and
Sid Rigdon
On the Sabbath morning Dec 2nd
P. P. Pratt Orson Hyde Wilford Woodruff and O Spencer
received their anointings preparatory to further endowment
On the 7th a messenger arrived
from St Louis informing us that the Governor of Missouri
has issued another writ for Joseph and that he was about
to make a demand for him of the governor of Illinois
Joseph had just made a touching appeal
to the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont for assistance
in obtaining redress of his wrongs in the persecution
in Missouri. We published it in pamplet form and