himself but not to lead the Church. That belongs to
the head of the Church."
Ques.: Can a Church make by laws
as an expediency for themselves which are not specified
in any revelation
Ans.: Yes if they wish they may make
laws to stick their fingers in their eyes.
Ques.: When any person is ordained
legally by vote of the Church to any office can he
be released from that office and Priesthood and hold
his standing in the Church
Ans.: No.
On the following day Conference was
continued. Meeting was opened by singing and
prayer by Elder after which Elder Woodruff
delivered a discourse from the 2nd Epistle of Peter
1st ch., & 20, 21 verses.
Elder followed with
some appropriate remarks and in the afternoon
gave a lengthy discourse proving the
divine mission of and the truth
of the Book of Mormon.
In the evening Elder
delibered a masterly discourse upon the . He said it was the history of
nearly one half of the Globe and of the people who
had inhabited it—that it gave the history
of all the cities which had since it came forth
been discovered by and —
that it spoke of the establishing of our government
and what is more highly interesting it reveals
its final fate and destiny so that by reading
the Book of Mormon it may be clearly seen
what will befall this nation and what will
be its final end. In that Book is also the
Gospel as taught by Jesus Christ himself to the
ancient inhabitants of America and an account
himself but not to lead the Church. That belongs to
the head of the Church."
Ques.: Can a Church make by laws
as an expediency for themselves which are not specified
in any revelation
Ans.: Yes if they wish they may make
laws to stick their fingers in their eyes.
Ques.: When any person is ordained
legally by vote of the Church to any office can he
be released from that office and Priesthood and hold
his standing in the Church
Ans.: No.
On the following day Conference was
continued. Meeting was opened by singing and
prayer by Elder after which Elder Woodruff
delivered a discourse from the 2nd Epistle of
1st ch., 20, 21 verses.
Elder followed with
some appropriate remarks and in the afternoon
gave a lengthy discourse proving the
divine mission of and the truth
of the Book of Mormon.
In the evening Elder
delibered a masterly discourse upon the Book of
Mormon. He said it was the history of
nearly one half of the Globe and of the people who
had inhabited it, — that it gave the history
of all the cities which had since it cam forth
been discovered by Cartherwood and Stephens —
that it spoke of the establishing of our government
and what is more highly interesting it revels
its final fate and destiny so that by reading
the Book of Mormon it may be clearly seen
what will befall this nation and what will
be its final end. In that Book is also the
Gospel as taught by Jesus Christ himself to the
ancient inhabitants of America and an account