slips of paper on the ground from whence he
rose Br Whitmore picked up one of them &
read the following words (Emma is notworthy ofme) he wished to read the others but the
person with him picked them up & put them in
his pocket & did not let him read them;
At the close of my meeting Elder Brannan
prefered a charge against Elder Hardy for
slander so did Elder Adams the trial comes
on Tuesday night. I spent the night with
Br Phelps distance of the day 15 m
~ Sunday
13th Sunday I met a large congregation of Saints
at the [blank] Hall opposite the Boylston Hall I had
the spirit & power of God rest upon me & I had
a good time. I dined with Br Dam & called
upon Sister Voce, she gave me $10 & other Sisters $5
to help me on my mission. I walked to meeting with
Sister Cobb, who inquired about Nauvoo. I
had an interesting meeting in the afternoon
I enjoyed much of the spirit of God, the Audience
was still & gave good attention A collection was taken
up to assist me on my mission And about $50
dollars in all was taken including about $15 at
Sister Voce. I attended the discussion in the [e]vening
at Marlboro Chapel between Adams & Bachellon
Adams sustained his position much the best I
spent the night at Br Phelps Sister Phelps had
a fine daughter born during the night
~ Monday
14th I done up my package of letters
to Nauvoo in a rapper & directed it Brigham
Young & put it into the hands of Elder Wingate containing $13 dollars in all. I spent the night
at Br Phelps. And dreamed of being in the midst
of rattle snakes I had power to kill them. A few nights
previous I saw a monster of a serpent tried to kill me but had
no power
slips of paper on the ground from whence he
rose Br Whitmore picked up one of them &
read the following words (Emma is notworthyof me) he wished to read the others but the
person with him picked them up & put them in
his pocket & did not let him read them;
At the close of my meeting Elder Brannan
prefered a charge against Elder Hardy for
slander so did Elder Adams the trial comes
on Tuesday night. I spent the night with
Br Phelps distance of the day 15 m
~ Sunday
13th Sunday I met a large congregation of saints
at the [blank] Hall opposite the Boylston Hall I had
the spirit & power of God rest upon me & I had
a good time. I dined with Br Dam & called
upon sister Voce, she gave me $10 & other sisters $5
to help me on my mission. I walked to meeting with
sister Cobb, who inquired about Nauvoo. I
had an interesting meeting in the afternoon
I enjoyed much of the spirit of God, the Audience
was still & gave good attention A collection was taken
up to assist me on my mission and about $50
dollars in all was taken including about $15 at
Sister Voce. I attended the discussion in the evening
at Marlboro Chapel between Adams & Bachellon
Adams sustained his position much the best I
spent the night at Br Phelps Sister Phelps had
a fine daughter born during the night
~ Monday
14th [FIGURE] I done up my package of letters
to Nauvoo in a rapper & directed it to Brigham
Young & put it into the hands of Elder
Wingate containing $13 dollars in all. I spent the night
at Br Phelps. And dreamed of being in the midst
of rattle snakes I had power to kill them. A few nights
previous I saw a monster of a serpent tried to kill me but had
no power
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," October 12, 1844 - October 14, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 21, 2024,