steady? It is because God is with
him; and though armies are ap-
proaching and ready, apparently, to
swallow up this people, yet he and
his brethren feel calm, and the Lord
reveals unto them, by the Holy Spirit,
how to govern and control this people.
They have had a long experience in
proving the Almighty God, who holds
the destiny of the Saints and the
sinner. And has he ever failed us?
No, never.
Some of our brethren have told
their trials here to-day, and they have
said that they have not done much;
but the greatest work they have done
has been in saving themselves. But
this is not all they have done. They
have done something else; they have
accomplished the purposes of God in
—as much so as though they had
every king and queen in
those islands: they have literally
fulfilled the revelations of Jesus
Christ in carrying the unto
them, because those nations could
not have been left without excuse
and the earth prepared for the of God, if those Elders had
not gone and preached to the people
of those nations. No matter if they
had not have baptised one, they are
as much justified as we who first went
to , England, and bap-
tised twenty or thirty priests in a
day. They have fulfilled the com-
mandments in carrying the Gospel to
the nations.
It is no testimony to me that a
man is not faithful, because he has
not baptised numbers of princes,
lords, governors, and kings; not at
all. The Lord has sent them there:
he has tried them and put them in
strait places; but has he left them?
No, he has not. Has he not brought
them forth? We have had the testi-
mony of brother , who is here;
and we see that it is the hand of God
that has been over them, and we are
glad of it; and we do not expect that
the Lord will send the Elders out
there again until they have other
missionaries and messengers that they
cannot stone, tar, or feather, but mes-
sengers that will come with their
sharp sickles: then they will find
that they have messengers that they
cannot conquer or overcome.
I feel to rejoice in these things
and to know that the Lord is at work
with this people. We are living in a
fast age—an age fraught with great
events, and every day is bringing to
pass more of the predictions; and
more revelation is being fulfilled in
one year, now, than has been fulfilled
in centuries before. We are living in
a day when that flood of revelation is
coming to a focus; and that focus we
stand in, and we are seeing it fulfilled
day by day.
The wicked rage and the heathen
imagine a vain thing; and they say,
"Let us go and take a prey and a
spoil; let our eye be upon Zion, and let
her be defiled." But they know not the
thoughts of the Lord, neither under-
stand they his counsel. [Micah 4:11-12] God will
work for us and defend us, if we do
our duty, and Zion will soon be free.
We will not suffer the oppressions of
our enemies as we have done.
You need not fear: all we have to
do is to be passive in the hands of the
Lord, and follow the counsel of our
leaders, and not be particularly anx-
ious that the Lord should reveal to
you or to me his and and
intentions concerning our present
difficulties; but pray earnestly that
the Spirit of the Lord may be upon
those men who stand at the head.
All we have to do is to live our ; and when the say
"Come here," or "Go there," let us
be on hand to obey, and all will be
Let the people be quiet and pray
that God may reveal his mind and will
to those at the head. We may have
our ideas of what we should do in this
steady? It is because God is with
him; and though armies are approaching and ready, apparently, to
swallow up this people, yet he and
his brethren feel calm, and the Lord
reveals unto them, by the Holy Spirit,
how to govern and control this people.
They have had a long experience in
proving the Almighty God, who holds
the destiny of the Saints and the
sinner. And has he ever failed us?
No, never.
Some of our brethren have told
their trials here to-day, and they have
said that they have not done much;
but the greatest work they have done
has been in saving themselves. But
this is not all they have done. They
have done something else; they have
accomplished the purposes of God in
—as much so as though they had
baptized every king and queen in
those islands: they have literally
fulfilled the revelations of Jesus
Christ in carrying the Gospel unto
them, because those nations could
not have been left without excuse
and the earth prepared for the judgments of God, if those Elders had
not gone and preached to the people
of those nations. No matter if they
had not have baptised one, they are
as much justified as we who first went
to , England, and baptised twenty or thirty priests in a
day. They have fulfilled the commandments in carrying the Gospel to
the nations.
It is no testimony to me that a
man is not faithful, because he has
not baptised numbers of princes,
lords, governors, and kings; not at
all. The Lord has sent them there:
he has tried them and put them in
strait places; but has he left them?
No, he has not. Has he not brought
them forth? We have had the testimony of brother , who is here;
and we see that it is the hand of God
that has been over them, and we are
glad of it; and we do not expect that
the Lord will send the Elders out
there again until they have other
missionaries and messengers that they
cannot stone, tar, or feather, but messengers that will come with their
sharp sickles: then they will find
that they have messengers that they
cannot conquer or overcome.
I feel to rejoice in these things
and to know that the Lord is at work
with this people. We are living in a
fast age—an age fraught with great
events, and every day is bringing to
pass more of the predictions; and
more revelation is being fulfilled
in one year, now, than has been fulfilled
in centuries before. We are living in
a day when that flood of revelation is
coming to a focus; and that focus we
stand in, and we are seeing it fulfilled
day by day.
The wicked rage and the heathen
imagine a vain thing; and they say,
"Let us go and take a prey and a
spoil; let our eye be upon Zion, and let
her be defiled." But they know not the
thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they his counsel. God will
work for us and defend us, if we do
our duty, and Zion will soon be free.
We will not suffer the oppressions of
our enemies as we have done.
You need not fear: all we have to
do is to be passive in the hands of the
Lord, and follow the counsel of our
leaders, and not be particularly anxious that the Lord should reveal to
you or to me his mind and will and
intentions concerning our present
difficulties; but pray earnestly that
the Spirit of the Lord may be upon
those men who stand at the head.
All we have to do is to live our religion; and when the Presidency say
"Come here," or "Go there," let us
be on hand to obey, and all will be
Let the people be quiet and pray
that God may reveal his mind and will
to those at the head. We may have
our ideas of what we should do in this