or that case; but there is no man so
well qualified to lead, govern, and
direct for the salvation of the people
as that man whom God has appointed.
We have as good leaders as we need.
There never was a better leader given
to Israel, nor one more capable of
leading this people to salvation, than
: he is filled with the
Spirit of God day by day. If the
United States make war upon this
people, the Lord will hold them re-
sponsible for it, and the measure they
mete will be measured unto them
again; [Matthew 7:2] and if they are ripe and the cup
of their iniquity full, they will be shat-
tered to pieces—their union broken up
and destroyed. They will be visited
with thunder and lightning and hail
and the judgments of God; and
every man that will not draw his sword
against his neighbour will be obliged to
flee to Zion. [Doctrine and Covenants 45:68] They are sending their
armies here to destroy us; but I ask
none to weep for or spend
their sympathy for us—not even my
relatives or the priests, the doctors,
lawyers, or editors; no, not even one
soul—from the of the United
States down through the whole nation,
who have given consent to our death;
for they will have plenty to bear them-
selves, and they may save their weep-
ing for themselves and their children.
The Lord will teach them that their
proud looks and haughty feelings will
be laid low. It is right to pray and
it is right to keep our powder dry. Pray
for the of this Church—
pray for them to have the . We have never seen a
day when "Mormonism" was taking
such a stride as it is at the present
time. They may come over the Plains
singing their songs about what they
will do when they get to Utah; but
many of them will find a place in hell
before they get here.
There have been many truths taught
here to-day. Many who have been
here for years do not know or realize
the great blessings we are enjoying in
these valleys of mountains. Our gra-
naries are filled with bread and we
enjoy peace and the comforts of life.
We come to the Tabernacle of God and
associate with holy men, and we should
be holy ourselves: if we are not, it is
our own fault.
You have all the blessings which
the celestial kingdom and laws of God
impart unto men on the earth, while
the Gentile nations have suffered ruin,
wickedness, and abominations of every
kind to increase in their midst until
they are ripe for destruction. Do they
not thirst for the blood of the Saints
and every man who is righteous? Do
they not delight in wickedness? They
are full of wrath and anger, and they
are ripe for the damnation of hell.
Yes, the nations of the earth are ripe
Then we should be faithful and
diligent in all things committed to
our charge. Even though the Lord
has suffered some of the brethren to
go through strait places, in days which
are past and gone, and he may still
call us to go through strait places, yet
he will sustain us when we trust in
The Lord has suffered some of our
Prophets and Apostles to be martyred;
and what for? That the cup of the
iniquity of the nations might be full
and that his might be crowned
heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus
Christ to a martyr's crown.
Through the persecutions of the
enemies of truth, many of the Saints
have been worn out; but, as a body, the
kingdom and people have been led off
as victorious conquerers. We stand
now and hold the keys of the ; we stand in the strong cham-
bers of the mountains; and can the
Lord God give us the victory? He
can and he will, and he has been pre-
paring us for this by pouring out upon
us his Holy Spirit, uniting the people
who have been willing to repent and
or that case; but there is no man so
well qualified to lead, govern, and
direct for the salvation of the people
as that man whom God has appointed.
We have as good leaders as we need.
There never was a better leader given
to Israel, nor one more capable of
leading this people to salvation, than
: he is filled with the
Spirit of God day by day. If the
United States make war upon this
people, the Lord will hold them responsible for it, and the measure they
mete will be measured unto them
again; and if they are ripe and the cup
of their iniquity full, they will be shattered to pieces--their union broken up
and destroyed. They will be visited
with thunder and lightning and hail
and the judgments of God; and
every man that will not draw his sword
against his neighbour will be obliged to
flee to Zion. They are sending their
armies here to destroy us; but I ask
none to weep for or spend
their sympathy for us—not even my
relatives or the priests, the doctors,
lawyers, or editors; no, not even one
soul—from the of the United
States down through the whole nation,
who have given consent to our death;
for they will have plenty to bear themselves, and they may save their weeping for themselves and their children.
The Lord will teach them that their
proud looks and haughty feelings will
be laid low. It is right to pray and
it is right to keep our powder dry. Pray
for the Presidency of this Church--
pray for them to have the Spirit of
revelation. We have never seen a
day when "Mormonism" was taking
such a stride as it is at the present
time. They may come over the Plains
singing their songs about what they
will do when they get to Utah; but
many of them will find a place in hell
before they get here.
There have been many truths taught
here to-day. Many who have been
here for years do not know or realize
the great blessings we are enjoying in
these valleys of mountains. Our granaries are filled with bread and we
enjoy peace and the comforts of life.
We come to the Tabernacle of God and
associate with holy men, and we should
be holy ourselves: if we are not, it is
our own fault.
You have all the blessings which
the celestial kingdom and laws of God
impart unto men on the earth, while
the Gentile nations have suffered ruin,
wickedness, and abominations of every
kind to increase in their midst until
they are ripe for destruction. Do they
not thirst for the blood of the Saints
and every man who is righteous? Do
they not delight in wickedness? They
are full of wrath and anger, and they
are ripe for the damnation of hell.
Yes, the nations of the earth are ripe
Then we should be faithful and
diligent in all things committed to
our charge. Even though the Lord
has suffered some of the brethren to
go through strait places, in days which
are past and gone, and he may still
call us to go through strait places, yet
he will sustain us when we trust in
The Lord has suffered some of our
Prophets and Apostles to be martyred;
and what for? That the cup of the
iniquity of the nations might be full
and that his servants might be crowned
heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus
Christ to a martyr's crown.
Through the persecutions of the
enemies of truth, many of the Saints
have been worn out; but, as a body, the
kingdom and people have been led off
as victorious conquerers. We stand
now and hold the keys of the American
continent; we stand in the Strong chambers of the mountains; and can the
Lord God give us the Victory? He
can and he will, and he has been preparing us for this by pouring out upon
us his Holy Spirit, uniting the people
who have been willing to repent and