been very plenty of late I suppose you are haveing a pleasent time
I had forgotten to give you the contents of letter's they were all
well he mentioned the receptions of a draft ^of^ $1302 and was in
tending to send it immediately to also warned that Stowels
draft was not answered. 5 oclock Sunday it has first commenced
to rain, May 23rd it has We have had a fine shower and vegeta-
tion is revived. The children have crowded me in writing
Dear Father
I take my pen in hand to write
a few lines to you, we are all enjoying good health
and our school will be out this week and we found a hen and 16 chickings
and the wheat is no better than you expec[t]ed and Mr Wheeler thinks you
had better plant some corn there I bought the calf ofMrs smith and
old Mrs tailor tried to buy the calf of Mrs smith and offered her five
dollars for it and so I offered her severn dollars for it and so Mrs tailor
went up to her house and went to shake hands with her and put the money
into her hand and said now the calf is mine and so Mrs smith came
over to our house and told me that Mrs tailor gothad ^got^ the calf and
soo. George a said let me have the money and I will make it right and
he went down to Mrs tailor and give her the money. we want you
to come home for we want to see you and I hope you will get an indian
and a poney we shall hope to see you in two weeks from now
I remain your affectionate son