I haave let br Brown have 4 bushels of potatoes for schooling also
Mr Davis 20 bush for tinwear, The children are verry anxious to have
you come home, and have been very good children since
you went away Phebe sends her love to you as she has not time to
write. We all attend Br Franee lectures the are quite interesting
The peachtrees have got more fruit on them than the trees will
be able to bear when they are grown, all things are much as
they were when you left. & send their love
to you. I have waited for this weeks mail to come but the
mail is about closing so that I must close my scrawl
without knowing whether we hear from you or not. Another
portion of the eastern mail has arrived bringing, 3 papers U. S.
journal & 5 large books from . I should like a
mess of trout when you come home if it is convenient. Please
give my respects to my old acquaintance if you see them any
where I remain your true and faithful friend
And companion
for time & Eternity
That Peace Greace & wisdom may attend all your
movements in life & mine is the prayer of
I feel that this is a world of trial
and sorrow I have found it so.