June 14, 1880
^^ what strange things one will dream when asleep I dreamed
thi morning that Queen Victoria had received the gospel
and Been Baptized she appeared vary humble, none of which
is likely to happen in this world. I also thought of Prince Albert
is Richard or Robert connected with his Name? ({I dreamed that Queen Victoria was sealed to me and she bid me an [holy] thanks. This is not likely to happen.}) I wrote 2 letters to J W Young & R A Alread
16. I received 1 Letter and spent the forenoon on Dr Bernhisel
Account. I went to the field in the Evening Delight was sick
~ Thursday
17 I returned from the field wrote 2 letters to Sarah and David I received 3 letters and wrote 1 Letter
~ Friday
18 I receivd one Letter from Br East and card from
Graham I commenced writing my English Mission
commencing at Far West I spent the Afternoon with Dr Bernhisel
20. Sunday I attended Meeting at the farmers ward and
spoke 67 Minuts followed by Azmon Woodruff 30 M[inutes]. I also
Met in the Evening with the young People. They were addressed
By Br LambertJoseph H Felt Mrs Felt another Sister & W Woodruff
22 I received 1 Letter from E Snow, ^&^ J G Bleak I spent the forenoon
^^ in pruning my orchard I have cut down my favorite trees
to day they died last summer for the want of water wrote to O Jacobson
~ Monday
June 14, 1880
[FIGURE] what strange things one will dream when asleep I dreamed
thi morning that Queen Victoria had received the gospel
and Been Baptized she appeared vary humble, none of which
is likely to happen in this world. I also thought of Prince Albert
is Richard or Robert connected with his Name? ({I dreamed that Queen Victoria was sealed to me and she bid me an holy thanks. This is not likely to happen.})
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to J W Young & R A Alread
~ Tuesday
15 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letters to A L Woodruff, Chicago and Wm
Draper I spent the Afternoon watering Garden
~ Wednesday
16. [FIGURE] I received 1 Letter and spent the forenoon on Dr Bernhisel
Account. I went to the field in the Evening Delight was sick
~ Thursday
17 FIGURES I returned from the field wrote 2 letters to Sarah and
David I received 3 letters and wrote 1 Letter
~ Friday
18 FIGURES I receivd one Letter from Br East and card from
Graham I commenced writing my English Mission
commencing at Far West I spent the Afternoon with Dr Bernhisel
20. Sunday I attended Meeting at the farmers ward and
spoke 67 Minuts followed by Azmon Woodruff 30 Minutes. I also
Met in the Evening with the young People. They were addressed
By Br LambertJoseph H Felt Mrs Felt another Sister & W Woodruff
22 [FIGURE] I received 1 Letter from E Snow, & J G Bleak I spent the forenoon
FIGURES in pruning my orchard I have cut down my favorite trees
to day they died last summer for the want of water wrote to O Jacobson
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"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," June 14, 1880 - June 22, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 14, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/36Dx