14 Sunday I rode to Logan with Bishop Farrill to attend
the conference of the Young Mens Mutual Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By C O Card speeches were made by several
young men M. Thatcher spoke 25 M[inutes] W Woodruff 20 m[inutes]
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Hyde several Young Men
bore testimony followed By Wm Budge W Woodruff & Wm B Preston we adjourned the conference for 3 Months
At Noon I went all through the Temple & took my
Daughter Clara with me. we rode home at the close
of the Meeting. I held a Meeting in the Evening at Smithfield
spoke to a full House I administered to 2 sick 14 Miles
16 I took cars rode to Salt Lake City 100 Miles Edward Hunter Died at 8 oclok PM Aged 90 years
Bishop Edward Hunter Died this Evening
at 8 oclok Oct 16 1883 Aged 90 years
and 4 months He has Been the Presiding
Bishop of the Church 31 years I last parted
with him in his office on Friday doing business five
days before his Death
~ Wednesday
17 I received 5 letters to day I Attended council
in the Afternoon I ordained 2 Seventies & set them apart on Missions
~ Thursday
18 I met with the Auditing Committee in the forenoon
& in the office in the Afternoon
14 Sunday I rode to Logan with Bishop Farrill to attend
the conference of the Young Mens Mutual Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By C O Card speeches were made by several
young men M. Thatcher spoke 25 Minutes W Woodruff 20 minutes
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Hyde several Young Men
bore testimony followed By Wm Budge W Woodruff &
Wm B Preston we adjourned the conference for 3 Months
At Noon I went all through the Temple & took my
Daughter Clara with me. we rode home at the close
of the Meeting. I held a Meeting in the Evening at Smithfield
spoke to a full House I administered to 2 sick 14 Miles
16 I took cars rode to Salt Lake City 100 Miles
[FIGURE] Edward Hunter Died at 8 oclok PM Aged 90 years
Bishop Edward Hunter Died this Evening
at 8 oclok Oct 16 1883 Aged 90 years
and 4 months He has Been the Presiding
Bishop of the Church 31 years I last parted
with him in his office on Friday doing business five
days before his Death
~ Wednesday
17 [FIGURE] I received 5 letters to day I Attended council
in the Afternoon I ordained 2 Seventies & set them apart on Missions
~ Thursday
18 I met with the Auditing Committee in the forenoon
& in the office in the Afternoon
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," October 13, 1883 - October 19, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/k2W6