record of my name and of the gospel of Jesus Christ
to the Gentiles first and then to the House of Israel. I
have also ordained you to set upon Thrones and
Judge the Gentiles and all of the inhabitants of the
Earth unto whom you have borne testimony of my
name in the day and Generation in which you live
Therefore how great is your calling and responsibility
befor me. Therefore gird up the Loins of uyour minds
and Magnify your callings in the fear of God and prepare
ye for the comming of the Son of Man which is nigh
at the Door. No man knoweth the day nor the hour
but the signs of Both Heaven and Earth indicate his
his coming as promised by the Mouth of my deciples
the fig trees are leaving and the hour is nigh Therefore
prepare yourselves O ye Saints of the Most High God
with oil in your Lamps, for Blessed is he that
watcheth for the coming of the Son of man [Matthew 25]. Again
hear ye the word of the Lord O ye mine Apostles whom
I have chosen in these last Days to bear record of
my Name and to Lead my People Israel untill the
coming of the Son of Man I the Lord have raised
up unto you my servant John Taylor to Preside over
you & to be a Law Giver unto my Church He has
mingled his Blood with that of the Martered Prophets
Nevertheless while I have taken my servants Joseph & Hyrum Smith unto myself I have preserved
My servant John Taylor for a wise purpose in me
I have also taken many others of the Apostles unto
Record of my name and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
to the Gentiles first and then to the House of Israel. I
have also Ordained you to set upon Thrones and
Judge the Gentiles and all of the inhabitants of the
Earth unto whom you have borne testimony of my
name in the day and Generation in which you live
Therefore how great is your calling and Responsibility
befor me. Therefore gird up the Loins ofyour minds
and Magnify your callings in the fear of God and prepare
ye for the comming of the Son of Man which is nigh
at the Door. No man knoweth the day nor the hour
but the Signs of Both Heaven and Earth indicate his
his coming as promised by the Mouth of my deciples
the fig trees are leaving and the hour is nigh Therefore
prepare yourselves O ye Saints of the Most High God
with Oil in your Lamps, for Blessed is he that
watcheth for the coming of the Son of man. Again
hear ye the word of the Lord O ye mine Apostles whom
I have chosen in these last Days to bear record of
my Name and to Lead my People Israel untill the
coming of the Son of Man I the Lord have raised
up unto you my Servant John Taylor to preside over
you & to be a Law Giver unto my Church He has
mingled his Blood with that of the Martered Prophets
Nevertheless while I have taken my servants
Joseph & Hyrum Smith unto myself I have preserved
My Servant John Taylor for a wise purpose in me
I have also taken many others of the Apostles unto
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"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 31, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,