My Daughter Bulah & myself took cars with Presidents Taylor, Cannon, Thatcher & others rode to Nephi 95 Miles
from there to Wales 24 Miles then in waggon 11 Miles 35 M
total distance of the day 130 M. I wro rode from wales to Mount Plesant with Br N P Matson and was chilled
through with the cold I held a meeting in the Evening Broth Paxman spoke 35 M[inutes] W Wodruff 65 M, had a good Meeting
~ Saturday
19 We drove to Manti 22 Miles and held a 2 days
Meeting in the New Meeting House President Taylor spoke
35 M[inutes]. Statistics were then read & President Taylor spoke 40 m
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Paxman Temple report was
then read. Total recepts for the Manti Temple up to date was
$447013.73, Trustee in Trust $174690.64 cts G Q Cannon 45 M W W 30 M. I spent the night at Br Folsom
~ Sunday
20 Sunday 20. we Met at 10 oclok J Morgan Prayed M Thatcher spoke 35 M[inutes], John Morgan 45 M, W B Preston
25 M. At Noon we administered to a crippled Boy. Afternoon
Prayer By Kanute PetersonG Q Cannon spoke 35 M,
President Taylor 58 M. At the close of the Meeting I rode
^with^ Bishop Irons to Moroni & spent the night distance 25 M[iles].
~ Monday
21. Bishop Irons tooke me in his carriage & drove to Freedom while there A drove of Deer came along on
the side of the Mountain in the cedars above the town
and 2 Men shot into the drove about a Dozen times
I do not know how many they killed we took cars
at 9 oclok and rode down to Nephi we saw Deer gioing
up the Hills as we passed. Some Deer got onto the railroad
on Saturday and had to Be whistled off we rode to S L C. 125 m[iles]
~ Friday
May 18, 1883
My Daughter Bulah & myself took cars with Presidents
Taylor, Cannon, Thatcher & others rode to Nephi 95 Miles
from there to Wales 24 Miles then in a waggon 11 Miles 35 M
total distance of the day 130 M. I rode from wales to
Mount Plesant with Br N P Matson and was chilled
through with the cold I held a meeting in the Evening Broth
Paxman spoke 35 Minutes W Woodruff 65 Minutes. had a good Meeting
~ Saturday
19 We drove to Manti 22 Miles and held a 2 days
Meeting in the New Meeting House President Taylor spoke
35 Minutes. Statistics were then read & President Taylor spoke 40 minutes
Aftenoon Prayer By Wm Paxman. Temple Report was
then read. Total recepts for the Manti Temple up to date was
$447013.73, Trustee in Trust $174690.64 cts
G Q Cannon 45 Minutes W W 30 Minutes. I spent the night at Br Folsom
~ Sunday
20 Sunday 20. we Met at 10 oclok J Morgan Prayed
M Thatcher spoke 35 Minutes, John Morgan 45 Minutes, W B Preston
25 Minutes. At Noon we administered to a crippled Boy. Afternoon
Prayer By Kanute PetersonG Q Cannon spoke 35 Minutes,
President Taylor 58 Minutes. At the close of the Meeting I rode
with Bishop Irons to Moroni & spent the night distance 25 Miles.
~ Monday
21. Bishop Irons tooke me in his carriage & drove to
Freedom while there A drove of Deer came along on
the side of the Mountain in the cedars above the town
and 2 Men shot into the drove about a Dozen times
I do not know how many they killed we took cars
at 9 oclok and rode down to Nephi we saw Deer going
up the Hills as we passed. Some Deer got onto the railroad
on Saturday and had to Be whistled off we rode to S L C. 125 miles
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"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," May 18, 1883 - May 21, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,