I wrote a letter to P. W. Woodruff I called the Bishop
and councillors & other Elder and we Administered
to Sylvia by Anointing with oil and laying on of hands
and she was immediately releaved of her severe
pain But in the Evening Sarah fainted away
~ Monday
July 24, 1882. Thirty five years ago to day I brought
President Brigham Young in my carriage into Great
Salt Lake valley the first time He ever saw the valley with
the Natural Eyes And this day has generally been celebrated
throughout the Territory And the Inhabitants of Smithfield
wished to celebrate this day We Met at 10 oclok at the school
House and formed in procession and marched under the
music of a Martial band through the Main streets we then
met in the school House whare speeches was made By
W Woodruff Bishop Farrell & others and we dismissed at 12
I spent the afternoon with the family
~ Tuesday
25[FIGURE] I went up the canyon with Br Hillyard a fishing
I caught 23 trout & Br Hillyard 24. I was vary weary
at night My Daughter Sylvia is Much Better 10 M[iles]
28 I received 7 Letters waited
upon Mr & Mrs Lig Lisle to various places in the city
I spent a part of the day reading the History of the Twelve
~ Saturday
^29.^ I went to the office in the Morning but was sick I drank
some cold water which mad me vary sick I spent most of the day in bed
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to P. W. Woodruff I called the Bishop
and councillors & other Elder and we Administered
to Sylvia by Anointing with Oil and laying on of hands
and she was immediately releaved of her severe
pain But in the Evening Sarah fainted away
~ Monday
FIGURES July 24, 1882. Thirty five years ago to day I brought
President Brigham Young in my carriage into Great
Salt Lake Valley the first time He ever saw the valley with
the Natural Eyes And this day has generally been celebrated
throughout the Territory And the Inhabitants of Smithfield
wished to celebrate this day. We Met at 10 oclok at the school
House and formed in procession and marched under the
music of a Martial band through the Main streets we then
met in the school House whare speeches was made By
W Woodruff Bishop Farrell & others and we dismissed at 12
I spent the afternoon with the family
~ Tuesday
25 [FIGURE] I went up the canyon with Br Hillyard a fishing
I caught 23 trout & Br Hillyard 24. I was vary weary
at night. My Daughter Sylvia is Much Better 10 Miles
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," July 23, 1882 - July 29, 1882, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/DqoK