Neither do they learn or comprehend that the rights
of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the
powers of heavens, and that the powers of heaven cannot
be controlled nor handled ownly upon the principles of
righteousness [Doctrine and Covenants 121:36], such should repent and turn unto the
Lord and seek for the Holy Spirit to guide them Judgm[en]ts
will begin at my House, and from thence will they go
forth unto the wicked, and the wicked cannot Escape
Blessed are the pure in heart [Matthew 5:8], for my Blessings await
them in this life, and Eternal Life in the world to come
Thus saith the Lord unto you miyne servants the Apostles
who dwell in the flesh fear ye not your Enemies Let
not your hearts be troubled I am in your midst
I am your Advocate with the Father I have given
mine Angels charge concerning you, mine Eyes
are upon you, And the Eyes of your Heavenly Father
and the Heavenly Hosts, and all Justified spirits
made perfect are a watching over you. Your works
are Manifest befor the face of my servants who have
sealed their Testimony with their Blood and before all
of my servants of the Twelve Apostles whom I have taken
unto myself. The vaeil is taken from off their faces and
they know your works They await your coming when
you have finished your testimony in the flesh. Therefore
be ye faithful untill I come. My coming is at the Door. Call
upon the Lord in mighty prayer. Ask and you shall receive
whatever you agree as touching anything and ask the Father in
my name it shall be given unto you seek dilligently to build
Neither do they learn or comprehend that the rights
of the Priesthood are inseparably connected with the
Powers of heavens, and that the powers of heaven cannot
be controlled nor handled ownly upon the principles of
Righteousness, such should repent and turn unto the
Lord and seek for the Holy Spirit to guide them judgments
will begin at my House, and from thence will they go
forth unto the wicked, and the wicked cannot Escape
Blessed are the pure in heart, for my Blessings await
them in this life, and Eternal Life in the world to come
Thus saith the Lord unto you my servants the Apostles
who dwell in the flesh fear ye not your Enemies Let
not your hearts be troubled I am in your midst
I am your Advocate with the Father I have given
mine Angels charge concerning you, mine Eyes
are upon you, And the Eyes of your Heavenly Father
and the Heavenly Hosts, and all Justified spirits
made perfect are a watching over you. Your works
are Manifest befor the face of my servants who have
sealed their Testimony with their Blood and before all
of my servants of the Twelve Apostles whom I have taken
unto myself. The veil is taken from off their faces and
they Know your works. They await your coming when
you have finished your testimony in the flesh. Therefore
be ye faithful untill I come. My coming is at the Door. Call
upon the Lord in mighty prayer. Ask and you shall receive
whatever you agree as touching anything and ask the Father in
my name it shall be given unto you seek dilligently to build
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"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 31, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,