they are broaken up and Destroyed, and wasted away
from under heaven, and No power can stay my hand.
Therefore let the wicked tremble. Let them that blaspheme
my name hold their lips, for destruction will swiftly over-
take them. All that I the Lord have spoken through the
Mouth of my Prophets and Apostles since the world began
concerning the Last dispensation and fulness of times, con-
cerning my Church which has been called out of the
wilderness of darkness and Error, and concerning the
Zion and Kingdom of God and concerning Babylon
the Great, And what I have spoken through the Mouth of
My servant Joseph shall all be fulfilled And though
Heaven and Earth Pass away my words shall not pass
away, but shall all be fulfilled saith the Lord [Matthew 24:35]. These revela-
tions and testimonies you have before you. Let my Saints
search the word of the Lord and treasure up wisdom and
be prepared for that which is to come As I have decreed
so shall my Judgments begin at the House of God. There
are those in my Church who have a name among you
who are Adulterers and Adulteresses and those who blas-
phene my name and those who love and make a lie, and
those who revel and Drink with the Drunken with the drunken
if they do not speedy repent of their wickedness and Abomina-
tions They shall be severed from the ordinances of my house
saith the Lord. There are many who have need to repent
whose hearts are set upon the things of this world, who asspire
to the honors of men, and do not honor the Priestood, nor
seek to build up the Kingdom of God as they should
they are broaken up and Destroyed, and wasted away
from under heaven, and No power can stay my hand.
Therefore let the wicked tremble. Let them that blaspheme
my name hold their lips, for destruction will swiftly overtake them. All that I the Lord have Spoken through the
Mouth of my Prophets and Apostles since the world began
concerning the Last dispensation and fulness of times, concerning my Church which has been called out of the
wilderness of darkness and Error, and concerning the
Zion and Kingdom of God and concerning Babylon
the Great, And what I have spoken through the Mouth of
My servant Joseph shall all be fulfilled And though
Heaven and Earth Pass away my words shall not pass
away, but shall all be fulfilled Saith the Lord. These revelations and testimonies you have before you. Let my Saints
search the word of the Lord and treasure up wisdom and
be prepared for that which is to come As I have decreed
so shall my Judgments begin at the House of God. There
are those in my Church who have a name among you
who are Adulterers and Adulteresses and those who blasphene my name and those who love and make a lie, and
those who revel and Drink with the Drunken with the drunken
if they do not speedy repent of their wickedness and Abominations They shall be severed from the ordinances of my house
saith the Lord. There are many who have need to repent
whose hearts are set upon the things of this world, who asspire
to the honors of men, and do not honor the Priestood, nor
seek to build up the Kingdom of God as they should
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"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 31, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,