Sunday Sister Susannah Hunters funeral was held to day John Henry Smith & H. J. Grantwroand several others
spoke at the funeral M Sister George Reynolds was
also buried to day Brother F D Richards Preached her
funeral sermon. John Henry Smith spoke this Afternoon
in the Big Tabernacle to a full congregation I spent the
day in the House, and was accompanied by my Daughter Susan I am still a free Man although an Exile
[FIGURES 16] One year has passed away since the prosicution
and Persecution commenced against the Latter Day
Saints for Poligamy and the Persecution has increased
more & more untill the present time, untill 40 or 50 of
our Elders are imprisioned for obeying the Law of God
And Now the Congress of the United States are attempting
to Pass Laws to destroy the Latter Day Saints and take
away all our rights. Our Nation is fast ripening
itself and getting Prepared for the Judgments of God
which will cause there utter overthrow & destruction
great Destruction & Judgments are at the Door of this
generation. The whole Christian world are over-
whelmed to day with whoredomsMurder and abomina-
tions of Every kind
Sunday Sister Susannah Hunters funeral was held to day
John Henry Smith & H. J. Grantand several others
spoke at the funeral Sister George Reynolds was
also buried to day Brother F D Richards Preached her
funeral sermon. John Henry Smith spoke this Afternoon
in the Big Tabernacle to a full congregation I spent the
day in the House, and was accompanied by my Daughter
Susan I am still a free Man although an Exile
FIGURES One year has passed away since the prosicution
and Persecution commenced against the Latter Day
Saints for Poligamy and the Persecution has increased
more & more untill the present time, untill 40 or 50 of
our Elders are imprisioned for obeying the Law of God
And Now the Congress of the United States are attempting
to Pass Laws to destroy the Latter Day Saints and take
away all our rights. Our Nation is fast ripening
itself and getting Prepared for the Judgments of God
which will cause there utter overthrow & destruction
great Destruction & Judgments are at the Door of this
generation. The whole Christian world are overwhelmed to day with whoredomsMurder and abominations of Every kind
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 20, 1885 - December 21, 1885, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,