Aug 13, 1882
Sunday I attended the funeral of Bishop Winters
at 10 oclok in the 14 ward school House. Bishop Taylor B. Young Bishop E. Hunter and Bishop of the 5 ward
spoke at the funeral I attended the Meeting at the Tabernacl in the Afternoon Elder Matthias Cowley
spoke to the people one hour & 30 M upon the first principle
of the gosple quoting chapter & vers. He spoke vary
well. I attended Meeting in the Evening in the 14 ward
Elders Mathews & James addressed the people
~ Monday
14 I receeived a letter from J. G. Bleak I wrote one
Letter to John Morgan It was Decided to day to Employ
the firm of Harkness & Co to defend the County Court before
the Utah Courts
~ Tuesday
15 I received a letter from SarahSylvia not as well
^Sylvia Thompson had a son born to day 12 oclok^
I spent the day in the office was sick in the Evening
~ Wednesday
16. I received a letter from M F Farnsworth and
from A F McDonald I wrote a letter to Sarah
I attended council in the Afternoon
~ Thursday
17 I received 2 letter to day one from Sarah saying
that Sylvia had a son on the 15 Aug at Noon both doing well
I received 1 Letter from I F Carter
~ Friday
18 We took cars for Nephi at 7 oclok we were going to Fort
Ephraim to hold a 2 days conference A company of Prysbeterians
came aboard at the same time to go to Ephraim to dedicate a
New Meeting House they gathered up all along the rout additions
to their company when we arived at Nephi we had
a car by ourselves & the Prysbeterian by themselves we arived
at Wales at 4 oclok took carriages 10 Miles to Ephrain 140 Miles
~ Sunday
Aug 13, 1882
Sunday I attended the funeral of Bishop Winters
at 10 oclok in the 14 ward school House. Bishop TaylorB. Young Bishop E. Hunter and Bishop of the 5 ward
spoke at the funeral I attended the Meeting at the
Tabernacle in the Afternoon Elder Matthias Cowley
spoke to the people One hour & 30 Minutes upon the first principles
of the gospel quoting chapter & vers. He spoke vary
well. I attended Meeting in the Evening in the 14 ward
Elders Mathews & James addressed the people
~ Monday
14 FIGURES I received a letter from J. G. Bleak I wrote one
Letter to John Morgan. It was Decided to day to Employ
the firm of Harkness & Co to defend the County Court before
the Utah Courts [FIGURE]
~ Tuesday
15 FIGURES I received a letter from SarahSylvia not as well
Sylvia Thompson had a son born to day 12 oclok
I spent the day in the office was sick in the Evening
~ Wednesday
16. [FIGURE] I received a letter from M F Farnsworth and
from A F McDonald. I wrote a letter to Sarah
I attended council in the Afternoon
~ Thursday
17 FIGURES I received 2 letter to day one from Sarah saying
that Sylvia had a son on the 15 Aug at Noon both doing well
I received 1 Letter from I F Carter
~ Friday
18 We took cars for Nephi at 7 oclok we were going to Fort
Ephraim to hold a 2 days conference A company of Prysbeterians
came aboard at the same time to go to Ephraim to dedicate a
New Meeting House they gathered up all along the rout additions
to their company when we arived at Nephi we had
a car by ourselves & the Prysbeterian by themselves we arived
at Wales at 4 oclok took carriages 10 Miles to Ephrain 140 Mils
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"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," August 13, 1882 - August 18, 1882, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,