Statistics read There were 11006 officers & Members 4778
children under 8. Total Souls 15789. A O Smoot spoke
35 Afternoon Prayer By H CoreyL. E. Harrington
spoke 30 M[inutes], Howard Corey 15 M. Authorities of the
Church were Presented and Sustained Br Williams
spoke 5 M, W Woodruff 30 M. I attended the Priesthood
Meeting in the Evening The High Priest Quorum was
represented & W. Woodruff spoke 60 M on the priesthood
~ Sunday
^June 4, Sunday^ Orson Whitney wife (Zina Smoot) had a son this Morning that
weighed 11 lbs we Met at 10 oclok Joseph F Smith arived
and spoke to a crouded House one hour & 28 M, and said
God Gives us life Liberty & the right to the Persuit of Happiness
The Constitution and layws of the Land cannot give this
but garentees unto us protection in the exercise of these
rights. A. O. Smoot spoke 10 M. We dined at Br Southworths
Afternoon Prayer By George D Snell. W Woodruff spoke
60 M. We took cars at 4 oclok and reached Salt Lake
at 6:30 I Attended Meeting at the 19 ward with
J F. Smith and the Presidency of the Stake and several
of us spoke & we ordained James Watson A High
Priest & Bishop to Preside over that ward Joseph F
was Mouth we also ordained a Bishop and two councillors
at Provo Joseph F Smith ordained the Bishop & W Woodruff
one of the councillors. Distance 100 M
~ Monday
5 I had an hours conversation with President John Taylor
upon the subject duties & rights of the Presidency & Twelve
I spent Most of the day in the office ^^ I Employed Leslie W
Snow to commence work in the Historian office today
Statistics read. There were 11006 Officers & Members 4778
children under 8. Total Souls 15789. A O Smoot spoke
35 Afternoon Prayer By H CorayL. E. Harrington
spoke 30 Minutes, Howard Coray 15 Minutes. Authorities of the
Church were Presented and Sustained Br Williams
spoke 5 Minutes, W Woodruff 30 Minutes. I attended the Priesthood
Meeting in the Evening The High Priest Quorum was
represented & W. Woodruff spoke 60 Minutes on the Priesthood
~ Sunday
June 4, SundayOrson Whitney wife (Zina Smoot) had a son this Morning that
weighed 11 lbs. we Met at 10 oclok Joseph F Smith arived
and spoke to a crouded House One hour & 28 Minutes, and said
God Gives us life Liberty & the right to the Persuit of Happiness
The Constitution and laws of the Land cannot give this
but garentees unto us Protection in the exercise of these
rights. A. O. Smoot spoke 10 Minutes. We dined at Br Southworths
Afternoon Prayer By George D Snell, W Woodruff spoke
60 Minutes. We took cars at 4 oclok and reached Salt Lake
at 6:30 I Attended Meeting at the 19 ward with
J F. Smith and the Presidency of the Stake and several
of us spoke & we Ordained James Watson A High
Priest & Bishop to Preside over that ward Joseph F
was Mouth we also Ordained a Bishop and two councillors
at Provo Joseph F Smith ordained the Bishop & W Woodruff
one of the councillors. Distance 100 Miles
~ Monday
5 I had an hours conversation with President John Taylor
upon the subject duties & rights of the Presidency & Twelve
I spent Most of the day in the office [FIGURE] I Employed Leslie W
Snow to commence work in the Historians Office to day
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," June 3, 1882 - June 5, 1882, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,