March 3, 1881
We gave 82 Endowments to day. I searched my records to
day and found I had on my record Baptized for the dead
2749, Endowed 2037 couples sealed 66705. I sealed
10 couple for the dead to day and attended the prayer circle and was
Mouth at the Altar I wrote a letter to Emma Dated March 1, and sent an Accou[n]t of my birth day I spent the Evening at
Brother Lorenzo Brown's or rather took supper with him and
Sisters Eliza R Snow & Zina Young I attended the Priesthood meeting But Began to feel unwell At the close of the Meeting I went to my room in the Temple and went to bed
and sleped sever[al] hours I awoke about midnight and felt
distressed I soon saw that I had an attaack of the Billious cholic
~ Friday
^4th I was sick all day and night^
~ Saturday
March 5, 1881. This was an important day with me in several respects I had invited fifty of my Brethren the leading
men of this part of the vinyard to meet me in the Temple of the
Lord to give them some instruction and to meet them in
the prayer circle But my sickness pain & distress was so severe
I was not able to attend although I got ready to go into the prayer room A pain struck me through the stomach as though a Dart was
shot through me and I was in great distres untill the prayer was
Ended the revelation that was given me in the wildernes was read
and they washed their feet & baore testimony unto God against those
men who had shed the Blood of the Prophets and Apostles and
had persecuted the saints they then went Before the Lord and off[er]ed
up Prayers from the alter Altar upon this subject And the Devil
seemed Determined that I should have no hand in it and I was
kept in great pain untill the servises were over I was administ[er]ed
to by the Brethren, and Br James Bleak administered to me the Medicine
~ Thursday
March 3, 1881
We gave 82 Endowments to day. I searched my records to
day and found I had on my record Baptized for the dead
2749, Endowed 2037 couples sealed705. I sealed
10 couple for the dead to day and attended the prayer circle and was
Mouth at the Altar I wrote a letter to Emma Dated March 1,
[FIGURE] and sent an Account of my birth day I spent the Evening at
Brother Lorenzo Brown's or rather took supper with him and
Sisters Eliza R Snow & Zina Young I attended the Priesthood
[FIGURE] meeting But Began to feel unwell At the close of the Meeting
[FIGURE] I went to my room in the Temple and went to bed
and stoped several hours I awoke about midnight and felt
distressed I soon saw that I had an attack of the Billious Cholic
~ Friday
4th I was sick all day and night
~ Saturday
March 5, 1881. This was an important day with me in several
FIGURES respects I had invited fifty of my Brethren the leading
men of this part of the vinyard to meet me in the Temple of the
Lord to give them some instruction and to meet them in
the Prayer Circle But my sickness Pain & distress was so severe
I was not able to attend although I got ready to go into the Prayer room
[FIGURE] A pain struck me through the stomach as though a Dart was
shot through me and I was in great distres untill the Prayer was
Ended the revelation that was given me in the wilderness was read
and they washed their feet & bore testimony unto God against those
men who had Shed the Blood of the Prophets and Apostles and
had persecuted the Saints they then went Before the Lord and offered
up Prayers from ther Altar upon this subject And the Devil
seemed Determined that I should have no hand in it and I was
kept in great pain untill the servises were over I was administered
to by the Brethren, and Br James Bleak administered to me the Medicine
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," March 3, 1881 - March 5, 1881, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 22, 2025,