I received your favor on the 12th inst
dated July 1st 1857. you may be assured it was well received it being
the first I have received from any of the twelve for the last 12 years.
I had come to the conclusion that they had become so far advanced
in the order of the kingdom and become so popular in temperal things
that they had entirely forgotten that such an uncouth old plough goger [goer]
as Lyman Wight had an existance on the face of the earth, but I yet
live and am bold to say that of the doctrine of Joseph Smith the Angel
of the seventh dispensation there is not a firmer believer ^or defender^ on the face of
the earth and hold every ordination given me as sacred as I did the day
they ware given, and if the death of Br Joseph gave one of the twelve
a supremacy ^over^ the others I have it yet to learn, did Brigham Young have
any authority at Joseph death more than he received from Br Joseph
If you answer no I ask whe[n]ce did he receive aurtohority to disanul revela-
toions given by Br Joseph? See Book of Doctrine & Covenants p 396 par 7th
concerning building the Nauvoo house and by carful examination you will
find that I have a revoelation given to me which is not to end while
I live on the earth, and no man on the earth has a right to take that
mission from me being ^given^ of God the highest of all, yet I did consider it
my duty to counsel with the twelve, and the fifties had not circumstances
ordered it otherwise the mission I am now on Br Willford I received of the
prophet of God, and it was well known by the twelve at that time that
Joseph was striving very hard to come to this very place with 250,000 men
he therefore requested me to come and establish a church in this region
and such a mission was even talked of while in jail where I had the
advantage of six months teaching and received many things that is yet unknown
to the church, never having refiused to obey the prophet I starteded in all good
I received your favor on the 12th inst
dated July 1st 1857. you may be assured it was well received it being
the first I have received from any of the twelve for the last 12 years.
I had come to the conclusion that they had become so far advanced
in the order of the kingdom and become so popular in temperal things
that they had entirely forgotten that such an uncouth old plough goer
as Lyman Wight had an existance on the face of the earth, but I yet
live and am bold to say that of the doctrine of Joseph Smith the Angel
of the seventh dispensation there is not a firmer believer or defender on the face of
the earth and hold every ordination given me as sacred as I did the day
they ware given, and if the death of Br Joseph gave one of the twelve
a supremacy over the others I have it yet to learn, did Brigham Young have
any authority at Joseph death more than he received from Br Joseph
If you answer no I ask whence did he receive aurthority to disanul revelations given by Br Joseph? See Book of Doctrine & Covenants p 396 par 7th
concerning building the Nauvoo house and by carful examination you will
find that I have a revelation given to me which is not to end while
I live on the earth, and no man on the earth has a right to take that
mission from me being given of God the highest of all, yet I did consider it
my duty to counsel with the twelve, and the fifties had not circumstances
ordered it otherwise the mission I am now on Br Willford I received of the
prophet of God, and it was well known by the twelve at that time that
Joseph was striving very hard to come to this very place with 250,000 men
he therefore requested me to come and establish a church in this region
and such a mission was even talked of while in jail where I had the
advantage of six months teaching and received many things that is yet unknown
to the church, never having refused to obey the prophet I starteded in all good
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